一些可以提供的狗狗: AA: 12.local书店效仿其他书店打折 思路就是对比性没有,错误假设历史销量会延续,和sales increase 不等于 profit increase AI: 12.technology separates people more than serves to bring ppl closer 1p 讲tech能帮助拓展relation&network and connect with people 2p tech helps us manage and maintain existing relation, and stay close with others without geographic concerns 3p admittedly, under extreme cases 的一些奇葩,stuck in pc games/watch too much tvs so become socially awkward. 但强调这只是少数case。。
Math 感觉蛮简单的,后面故意放慢速度,做完后剩了20多分钟,以为掉进低分库了,回头看草稿检查发现错了一题如下,但还是拿了51分 有一题说 X^2 + y^2 = 0; what is the value of X? A: xy=y B: y^2=0 吗B,当时点得太快选了B,忘记了A也是可以的。应该选D。