Guidebook writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built afterward. Clearly carpenters working on hotels before 1930 typically worked with more skill, care, and effort than carpenters who have worked on hotels built subsequently.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the guidebook writer's argument?
Guidebook writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed
that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is
generally superior to that in hotels built afterward. Clearly carpenters working on
hotels before 1930 typically worked with more skill, care, and effort than
carpenters who have worked on hotels built subsequently.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the guidebook writer’s
(A) The quality of original carpentry in hotels is generally far superior to the
quality of original carpentry in other structures, such as houses and stores.
(B) Hotels built since 1930 can generally accommodate more guests than
those built before 1930.
(C) The materials available to carpenters working before 1930 were not
significantly different in quality from the materials available to carpenters
working after 1930.
(D) The better the quality of original carpentry in a building, the less likely that building is to fall into disuse and be demolished.(answer)
(E) The average length of apprenticeship for carpenters has declined
significantly since 1930.
OG explanation: D Correct. This weakens the reasoning in the argument by showing a respect in which the comparison between existing hotels is unrepresentative.说D说明了对比对象不具有代表性,但是D不是说carpentry的质量越好,这个建筑就越不容被闲置或者拆除吗?这和不具有代表性有什么关系啊 TAT,原文并没有暗示他参观的都是闲置和被拆除的hotels啊(被拆除还怎么参观啊) 求解答!!!万分感谢!!!