170. 16927-!-item-!-187;#058&010946 If n and t are positive integers, what is the greatest prime factor of the product nt ? (1) The greatest common factor of n and t is 5. (2) The least common multiple of n and t is 105. 这个答案B 我问A怎么不可以,最大质因数就是5么~~~还有B怎么证明出来sufficient??? ==================================================================== If m, k, x, and y are positive numbers, is mx + ky > kx + my ? (1) m > k (2) x > y 这个毫无思路呀~~~
1) The greatest COMMON factor of n and t is 5. Then n can have a prime factor of 7, while t does not. Then n*t can have a prime factor of 7, bigger than 5.
2) The least common multiple of n and t is 105. 105 = 7*5*3 = n*a = t*b. Then n*t can only have prime factors of 7, 5, and 3. Seven would be the bigger prime factor of n*t