Laura's premise is that the theory is provable. The fact that the theory is provable is necessary for the conclusion that Fermat has indeed proved the theory before his death. But this fact alone does not conclusively prove or sufficiently points out that Fermat has proved it. In other words, this fact alone is not a sufficient condition for the conclusion that Fermat has indeed proved the theory. C points out this err in Laura's argument. -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2012/4/3 21:57:54)
先谢一个~ 然后...我只能用中文表述我的问题了... 我的困惑是,为什么一定要说是F证明的呢?在最开始J的里面说,因为F没有证明也没有其他人证明,所以E是错的或者说了谎 那现在L说明有其他人(或者是F)证明了,那不就可以说明F没有说谎没有错么?? 求拯救求拯救...T^T |