谢谢各位,第二题看得很明白,可是第一题真心还是有点晕 -- by 会员 bhchka (2012/3/27 1:54:13)
这道题的Conclusion:when hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf and are then asked whether they can hear the hypnotist, they reply, NO! Premise: the selves of hypnotized subjects are dissociated into separate parts, and that the part that is deaf is dissociated from the part that replies. 既然premise中说被催眠的人are dissociated into separate parts( deaf part和hearing part),所以当催眠的人使用deaf part时任何问题都是听不见的,也就是什么都不回答。但是使用hearing part时,问他是否听见时他应该会答YES,因为他使用了hearing part,是能听见的。所以这就是 premise 和conclusion的weakeness,选择答案时就要利用这个weakeness! A项就是在说weakenness,故选A B项没有在weaken conclusion,反而再说为什么对观察的现象需要解释。错误! C项和D项都可以由conclusion来解释! E也不能weaken!
个人觉得CR最应该先找到Premise 和conclusion,再根据题型特点来做! |