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I am so sad!!!!!!

发表于 2004-9-21 03:41:00 | 只看该作者

I am so sad!!!!!!

My English is so bad that I can not understand means of OG's CR.

Now I am preparing CR, a part of OG, the rate of crrect is below 50%.

I hope you give me some adivce.

thanks a lot

发表于 2004-9-21 04:28:00 | 只看该作者

The only thing you can do to improve your English is practice. Menorize all the new words, understand the sentence structual, do the review, ask questions at chasedream if you've got any, and visite

to see others opinions.

Dont give up easily! You will feel much better after you do the practice for several times. I mean based on the question on OG.

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