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prep 1-12 阅读!期待您的帮助!谢谢!

发表于 2007-8-22 13:52:00 | 只看该作者

prep 1-12 阅读!期待您的帮助!谢谢!

The professionalization of the study of history in the second half of the nineteenth century, including history's transformation from a literary genre to a scientific discipline, had important consequences not only for historians' perceptions of women but also for women as historians.  The disappearance of women as objects of historical studies during this period has elements of irony to it.  On the one hand, in writing about women, earlier historians had relied not on firsthand sources but rather on secondary sources; the shift to more rigorous research methods required that secondary sources be disregarded.  On the other hand, the development of archival research and the critical editing of collections of documents began to reveal significant new historical evidence concerning women, yet this evidence was perceived as substantially irrelevant:  historians saw political history as the general framework for historical writing.  Because women were seen as belonging to the private rather than to the public sphere, the discovery of documents about them, or by them, did not, by itself, produce history acknowledging the contributions of women. In addition, genres such as biography and memoir, those forms of "particular history" that women had traditionally authored, fell into disrepute.  The dividing line between "particular history" and general history was redefined in stronger terms, widening the gulf between amateur and professional practices of historical research.


Question #40.  270-01  (23122-!-item-!-188;#058&000270-01)


The passage is primarily concerned with


(A) describing some effects of the professionalization of the study of history on the writing of women's history

(B) explaining some reasons for the professionalization of the writing of history

(C) discussing the kinds of historical writing traditionally practiced by women

(D) contrasting the approach to the writing of history taken by women with the approach taken by men

(E) criticizing certain changes that occurred in the writing of history during the second half of the nineteenth century


Question #41.  270-02  (23168-!-item-!-188;#058&000270-02)


Which of the following best describes one of the "elements of irony" referred to in the highlighted text?


(A) Although the more scientific-minded historians of the second half of the nineteenth century considered women appropriate subjects for historical writing, earlier historians did not.

(B) Although archival research uncovered documentary evidence of women's role in history, historians continued to rely on secondary sources for information about women.

(C) Although historians were primarily concerned with writing about the public sphere, they generally relegated women to the private sphere.

(D) The scientific approach to history revealed more information about women, but that information was ignored.

(E) The professionalization of history, while marginalizing much of women's writing about history, enhanced the importance of women as historical subjects.


Question #42.  270-05  (23214-!-item-!-188;#058&000270-05)


According to the passage, the development of archival research and the critical editing of collections of documents had which of the following effects?


(A) Historians increasingly acknowledged women's contributions to history.

(B) Historians began to debate whether secondary sources could provide reliable information.

(C) Historians began to apply less rigorous scientific research criteria to the study of women's history.

(D) More evidence concerning women became available to historical researchers.

(E) Women began to study history as professional historians.



这一篇文章就花了我近一个小时,都快晕了,还是不知其所以然,好像每个句子都知道意思,可是对于句子的结构稀里糊涂的,不知道到底是为了分析或证明什么东东? 题目也根本没法定位,哪位好心的牛牛能不能帮我分析一下,感激期待中。。。。。。


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 05:06:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-24 01:04:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-8-24 02:35:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-25 03:39:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-8-25 06:21:00 | 只看该作者

40 是从A和E里面选,是E吧

elements of irony


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-25 6:26:04编辑过]
发表于 2007-8-25 06:42:00 | 只看该作者


the development of archival research and the critical editing of collections of documents began to reveal significant new historical evidence concerning women, yet this evidence was perceived as substantially irrelevant

发表于 2007-8-26 20:51:00 | 只看该作者

Essay #12.  270    (23076-!-item-!-188;#058&00270-00)


The professionalization of the study of history in the second half of the nineteenth century, including history's transformation
            from a literary genre to a scientific discipline, had
            important consequences not only for historians' perceptions of women but also for women as historians.  The disappearance of women as objects of historical studies during this period has elements of irony to it.  On the one hand, in writing about women, earlier historians had relied not on firsthand sources but rather on
            secondary sources; the shift to more rigorous research methods required that secondary sources be disregarded.  On the other hand, the development of archival research and the critical editing of collections of documents began to reveal significant new historical evidence concerning women, yet this evidence was perceived as substantially irrelevant:  historians saw political history as the general framework for historical writing.  Because women were seen as belonging to the private rather than to the public sphere, the discovery of documents about them, or by them, did not, by itself, produce history acknowledging the contributions of women. In addition, genres such as biography and memoir, those forms of "particular history" that women had traditionally authored, fell
            disrepute.  The dividing line between "particular history" and general history was
            redefined in stronger terms, widening the gulf between amateur and professional practices of historical research.


Question #40.  270-01  (23122-!-item-!-188;#058&000270-01)


The passage is primarily concerned with


(A) describing some effects of the professionalization of the study of history on the writing of women's history

//光根据写作对象的判断也足以选出A了,细看的话effects 对应 on the one hand… on the other hand…

(B) explaining some reasons for the professionalization of the writing of history

// 扩大了范围,全文都在讲women’s history,所以B

(C) discussing the kinds of historical writing traditionally practiced by women


(D) contrasting the approach to the writing of history taken by women with the approach taken by men


(E) criticizing certain changes that occurred in the writing of history during the second half of the nineteenth century

//看首句,应该是study of history,对象错了,而且出现了细节:the second half of the nineteenth century 所以E也错


Question #41.  270-02  (23168-!-item-!-188;#058&000270-02)


Which of the following best describes one of the "elements of irony" referred to in the highlighted text?


原文中elements of irony to it, it到底指什么?往前找单数名词呗!但也别傻找,当然是找中心词了,很容易就知道it指代professionalization

再想,这句话是在on the one hand… on the other hand…前面,很容易就知道elements of irony就是one hand .. other hand… 所要讲的不好的方面(因为irony是讽刺的意思,所以这里可以猜下是指不好的后果,当然不猜其实也不影响做题)



on one handin writing about women,早期历史学家依赖于二手资料,但由于要shift to更加严格的研究方法,而不得不放弃二手资料(这里其实跟首句是呼应的,shift to = transformation, rigorous research method = scientific discipline

on the other hand:虽然一些方法的更新(development of archival research and the critical editing of collections of documents

发现了更多信息(reveal significant new historical evidence concerning women),但是,最后由于某些原因(我就不细分析了),”discovery” “did not” “produce history”, in addition 后面的东西其实不用读,因为in addition是递进关系,也就是说后面肯定也是在说没能产生历史


(A) Although the more scientific-minded historians of the second half of the nineteenth century considered women appropriate subjects for historical writing, earlier historians did not.

(B) Although archival research uncovered documentary evidence of women's role in history, historians continued to rely on secondary sources for information about women.

(C) Although historians were primarily concerned with writing about the public sphere, they generally relegated women to the private sphere.

(D) The scientific approach to history revealed more information about women, but that information was ignored.

(E) The professionalization of history, while marginalizing much of women's writing about history, enhanced the importance of women as historical subjects.


Question #42.  270-05  (23214-!-item-!-188;#058&000270-05)


According to the passage, the development of archival research and the critical editing of collections of documents had which of the following effects?



(A) Historians increasingly acknowledged women's contributions to history.

(B) Historians began to debate whether secondary sources could provide reliable information.

(C) Historians began to apply less rigorous scientific research criteria to the study of women's history.

(D) More evidence concerning women became available to historical researchers.

(E) Women began to study history as professional historians.


发表于 2007-10-21 13:38:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-10-22 14:22:00 | 只看该作者


本想貼上我的分析 看到上面 還是別獻醜啦~~


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