1. AWA AI: Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products.
AA: 貌似是Fitness center之类的公司的一个manager根据一个survey做出的建议。这个survey说这家公司的customer想要eat healthier,而吃organic food是一种方式。The city is ready to support organic food之类的。然后说这家公司应该在national market 开始之前就开始弄这个lucrative的行业。然后就建议这家公司在each of the three gyms建立一个organic food section
2. Math 数学我做到几道看过的机经题。 (1)0.003^3.问小数点到一个非零数位有几个零。在本月讨论稿1-100中有这道题。 (2)DS题,m和n都是nonnegative的。貌似提到是整数的。问mn的值。 条件一:2的m次方=2的几n次方哦。反正得不出,因为只能算出m和n的倍数关系。 条件二:2^m=3^n。由此条件就可以得出m=n=0.
An overwhelming proportion of the most productive employees at SaleCo’s regional offices work not eight hours a day, five days a week, as do other SaleCo employees, but rather ten hours a day, four days a week, with Friday off. Noting this phenomenon, SaleCo’s president plans to increase overall productivity by keeping the offices closed on Fridays and having all employees work the same schedule—ten hours a day, four days a week.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most reason to doubt that the president’s plan, if implemented, will achieve its stated purpose? A. Typically, a SaleCo employee’s least productive hours in the workplace are the early afternoon hours. B. None of the employees who work four days a week had volunteered to work that schedule, but all were assigned to it by their supervisors. C. Working ten hours a day has allowed the most productive employees to work two hours alone each day in their respective offices relatively undisturbed by fellow employees. D. Employees at SaleCo are compensated not on the basis of how many hours a week they work but on the basis of how productive they are during the hours they are at work. E. Those SaleCo employees who have a four-day workweek do not take any of their office work to do at home on Fridays.