回答No是suffient OG12版第125题,两个条件都回答No,选的是D -- by 会员 linchaoyi (2012/1/9 18:06:44)
额。。难道我从来都是理解错的么。。sufficient........ -- by 会员 acwllbj (2012/1/9 18:17:10)
对于DS题目要求: ...decide whether the data given are sufficient for answering the question and then indicate one of the following answer choices. 所以,只要能够回答题目给出的问题就行了 -- by 会员 linchaoyi (2012/1/9 18:24:56)
给出的解释为: (1) for operations + and *, k?1 is equal to 1?k. Therefore, the operation represented must be subtraction. From this, it is possible to determine whether k-(l+m) = (k-l)+(k-m) holds for all numbers k, l, and m; SUFFICIENT. (2) The information is given directly that the operation represented is subtraction. once again, it can be determined whether k-(l+m) = (k-l)+(k-m) holds for all numbers k, l, and m; SUFFICIENT.
对啊,参照OG里的标准“decide whether the data given are sufficient for answering the question”,我觉得,重点就不是在determined whether了吧,决定Yes还是No的应该看前面的谓语,解释里都说是it is possible和it can be,所以我反而觉得这是Yes了 |