Question 1:
Provinces and states with stringent carsafety requirements, including required use of seatbelts and annual safetyinspections, have on average higher rates of accidents per kilometer than doprovinces and states with less stringent requirements. Nevertheless, mosthighway safety experts agree that more stringent requirements do reduceaccident rates.
?Which one of the following, if true,most helps to reconcile the safety experts' belief with the apparently contraryevidence described above?
?A) Annual safety inspections ensurethat car tires are replaced before they grow old. ?B) Drivers often become overconfidentafter their cars have passed a thorough safety inspection. ?C) The roads in provinces and stateswith stringent car safety programs are far more congested and thereforedangerous than in other provinces and states. ?D) Psychological studies show thatdrivers who regularly wear seatbelts often come to think of themselves asserious drivers, which for a few people discourages reckless driving. ?E) Provinces and states with stringentcar safety requirements have, on average, many more kilometers of roads than doother provinces and states.
Question 2:
?Calories consumed in excess of thosewith which the body needs to be provided to maintain its weight are normallystored as fat and the body gains weight. Alcoholic beverages are laden withcalories. However, those people who regularly drink two or more alcoholicbeverages a day and thereby exceed the caloric intake necessary to maintaintheir weight do not in general gain weight.
?Which one of the following, if true,most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy?
?A) Some people who regularly drink twoor three alcoholic beverages a day avoid exceeding the caloric intake necessaryto maintain their weight by decreasing caloric intake from other sources. ?B) Excess calories consumed by peoplewho regularly drink two or three alcoholic beverages a day tend to bedissipated as heat. ?C) Some people who do not drinkalcoholic beverages but who eat high calorie foods do not gain weight. ?D) Many people who regularly drink morethan 3 alcoholic beverages a day do not gain weight. ?E) Some people who take in fewercalories than are normally necessary to maintain their weight do not loseweight.