陈向东《GRE GMAT LSAT逻辑推理》
15.Medicalpersonnel who served in heavy combat in a recent war-even those who escapephysical injury- now have lower incomes and higher divorce rates, and scorelower on psychological profiles measuring general happiness, than medicalpersonnel who served in less stressful setting during that war. This evidencedemonstrates that exposure to heavy-combat situations produces serious adverseeffects, even among those who suffered no physical harm. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens theconclusion drawn above? (C) Parents ofmedical personnel who served in heavy combat show no significant difference inin incomes, divorce rates or general happiness from other medical personnel whoserved in that war. (E) Medicalpersonnel who served in heavy combat in an earlier war show no significant differencein incomes, divorce rates or general happiness from other medical personnel whoserved in that war. Confusion: C排除父母的差异,属于“排除他因”;但E更是强调起初在重战区的医疗人员与在其他地区服务的人一样,不是更佳的排除他因选项?另外,引入父母是否为引入其他元素呢? 一妹纸的解释:题中所说的是“本次战争重战区”有这样的情况,E说的是“早些时期重战区的人跟其他人一样”例证与题目反向;C选项相比E选项,在语境上更切合;(注意是recent war和earlier war,不是同一场war的recent time和earlier time)
2. Some whofavor putting governmental enterprises into private hands suggest thatconservation objectives would in general be better served if privateenvironmental groups were put in charge of operating and financing the nationalpark system, which is now run by the government. (A) Theseseeking to abolish all restrictions on exploiting the natural resources of theparks might join the private environmental group as members and eventually takeover their leadership. (B) Privateenvironmental groups might not always agree on the best ways to achieveconservation objectives. Confusion: 总感觉A编了个阴谋论故事呢……扯得有点远啊……觉得B是直接说明了private company不一定总采用最好办法因此有时不能better serve.