A答案说的是对air空气没有办法分开,这个是无关的;因为题目说的是global atmosphere will be reduced,所以美国好也就是对其他国家好;至于你说和C一样,是又进了一步,加了一个assumption that: other countries might use the older automobles discarded by the US. 但是选项要选择直接的,不可以再进一步
112. Older United States automobiles have been identified as contributing disproportionately to global air pollution. The requirement in many jurisdictions that automobiles pass emission-control inspections has had the effect of taking many such automobiles out of service in the United States, as they fail inspection and their owners opt to buy newer automobiles . Thus the burden of pollution such older United States automobiles contribute to the global atmosphere will be gradually reduced over the next decade. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? A. It is impossible to separate the air of one country or jurisdiction from that of others, since air currents circle the globe. B. When automobiles that are now new become older, they will, because of a design change, cause less air pollution than older automobiles do now. C. There is a thriving market for used older Untied States automobiles that are exported to regions that have no emission-control regulations.D. The number of jurisdictions in the United States requiring automobiles to pass emission-control inspections is no longer increasing. E. Even if all the older automobiles in the United States were retired from service, air pollution from United States automobiles could still increase if the total number of automobiles in use should increase significantly. Answer: C
题目要求 Weaken "the pollution will be reduced " ,
举个例子说不会reduced, 因为如果国外用这些older cars, 那么排放气体依然对全球有害。
也就是,不能把地区分割,只要不在北美就对Global无害的说法是不对的。 请大家帮助分析-- by 会员 girlwithwings (2009/12/29 12:48:58)