在美国快4年了。。感觉现在美国公司不是有“非你不可!” 理由的话是不会轻易顾外国人的。。。所以我们想有decent job的话要比本土的好很多才行。。。 after all, why should Americans hire a foreigner to be their lawyer, if that person is no better than their fellows??
在美国快4年了。。感觉现在美国公司不是有“非你不可!” 理由的话是不会轻易顾外国人的。。。所以我们想有decent job的话要比本土的好很多才行。。。 after all, why should Americans hire a foreigner to be their lawyer, if that person is no better than their fellows??
问题不就在于现在中国到美国读本科的人太多了,而他们中也有一些准备读jd, 现在已经不是以前那种一年就几个中国人apply top 14 jd. program的时代啦。。。competition is everywhere. go to top 14 will not guarantee ur success, but is a very important ( and sometimes essential) step to success....