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lsat 16 (2.1) questions

发表于 2003-5-28 23:39:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 16 (2.1) questions

[face=Georgia]6. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet on which life has evolved, and all known life forms are carbon-based. Therefore, although there might exist noncarbon-based life on planets very unlike Earth, our scientific estimates of the probability of extraterrestrial life should be generated from estimates of the number of planets like Earth and the likelihood of carbon-based life on those planets.

Which one of the following general principles most strongly supports the recommendation?

(A) There is no good reason to think that unobserved phenomena closely resemble those that have been observed.

(8) A scientific theory that explains a broad range of phenomena is preferable to a competing theory that explains only some of those phenomena.

(C) It is preferable for scientists to restrict their studies to phenomena that are observable and forego making estimates about unobservable things.

(D) A scientific theory that explains observed phenomena on the basis of a few principles that are independent of each other is preferable to a theory that explains those same phenomena on the basis of many independent principles.

(E) Estimations of probability that are more closely tied to what is known are preferable to those that are less closely tied to what is known.


Consumer advocate: The toy-labeling law should require manufacturers to provide explicit safety labels on toys to indicate what hazards the toys pose. The only labels currently required by law are labels indicating the age range for which a toy is intended. For instance, a "three and up" label is required on toys that pose a choking hazard for children under three years of age. Although the current toy-labeling law has indeed reduced the incidence of injuries to children from toys, parents could prevent such injuries almost entirely if toy labels provided explicit safety information.

10. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the consumer advocate's argument:

(A) Certain types of toys have never been associated with injury to children.

(B) Most parents believe that the current labels are recommendations regarding level of cognitive skill.

(C) The majority of children injured by toys are under three years of age.

(D) Many parents do not pay attention to manufacturers' labels when they select toys for their children.

(E) Choking is the most serious hazard presented to children by toys.


14. Although inflated government spending for weapons research encourages waste at weapons research laboratories, weapons production plants must be viewed as equally wasteful of taxpayer dollars. After all, by the government's own admission, the weapons plant it plans to reopen will violate at least 69 environmental, health, and safety laws. The government has decided to reopen the plant and exempt it from compliance, even though the weapons to be produced there could be produced at the same cost at a safer facility.

The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to criticism on which one of the following grounds?

(A) It offers no evidence that the "safer'" alternative production site actually complies with any of the jaws mentioned.

(8) It concedes a point regarding weapons research laboratories that undermines its conclusion about weapons production plants.

(C) It relies on evidence that does not directly address the issue of wasteful spending.

(D) It confuses necessary expenditures for research with wasteful spending on weapons

(E) It fails to establish that research laboratories and weapons production plants are similar enough to be meaningfully compared.

发表于 2003-5-29 00:12:00 | 只看该作者
1 原文说的是“因为地球生命有这种性质,所以我们的研究应该倾向与和地球相似的星球,因为这个可能大”
C说研究应该局限于可观察的现象。。。原文根本没提到observable这个词。。如果你的observable是因为地球is observable推出来的。。所以原文要观察的对象不是“obserbable"

E  Estimations of probability that are more closely tied to what is known are preferable to those that are less closely tied to what is known.




发表于 2003-5-29 00:25:00 | 只看该作者

原文看得有点怪。。但是我看大概意思是: 作者本来想说工厂浪费纳税人钱(第一句话),后来举的例子扯到了a safer facilities...安全问题了。。所以例子不能支持观点。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-29 07:40:00 | 只看该作者

有个问题就是那个加强的题目:(B) Most parents believe that the current labels are recommendations regarding level of cognitive skill.

发表于 2003-5-29 08:27:00 | 只看该作者
(B) Most parents believe that the current labels are recommendations regarding level of cognitive skill.
发表于 2003-6-9 20:30:00 | 只看该作者
(B) Most parents believe that the current labels are recommendations regarding level of cognitive skill.
同时说明labels have not explictly safety information
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