以下是引用allen0018在2006-8-31 17:46:00的发言:
大全-A-15. Alba: I don’t intend to vote for Senator Frank in the next election. She is not a strong supporter of the war against crime. Tam: But Senator Frank sponsored the latest anticrime law passed by the Senate. Alba: If Senator Frank sponsored it, it can’t be a very strong anticrime law.
Which of the following identifies the most serious logical flaw in Alba’s reasoning? (A) The facts she presents do not support her conclusion that Senator Frank is soft on crime.
(B) She assumes without proof that crime is the most important issue in the upcoming election. (C) She argues in a circle, using an unsupported assertion to dismiss conflicting evidence. (D) She attacks Senator Frank on personal grounds rather than on he merit as a political leader. (E) In deciding not to vote for Senator Frank, she fails to consider issues other than crime. 应该就是循环论证,用自己的一个尚未证明的假设,来作论据。也就是说,他的第二句话是基于他第一句话正确的基础上的,而第一句话也仅仅是他的一个assersion。
argue in circle:用循环论证法来辩论(先假设结论是前提的证据, 又利用前提去证明结论) 这两个答案我就是搞不懂了 希望大家帮忙
首先D肯定是错误答案,个人攻击。 然后来看 Alba: If Senator Frank sponsored it, it can’t be a very strong anticrime law. 如果把它改写成逆否命题: If it is a very strong anticrime law, S F didn't sponsored it. because she is not supporter aganist crime. 是不是和前面的第一句一样阿? |