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不得不祥林嫂一样重复一遍。。jj实在是太有用了!!!! 作文题 AA是 The following appeared in a memorandum fromthe development director of the Largo Piano Company.“The Largo Piano Company has long beenknown for producing carefully handcrafted, expensive pianos used by leadingconcert pianists. During the past few years, however, our revenues havedeclined; meanwhile, the Allegro Musical Instrument Company introduced a lineof inexpensive digital pianos and then saw its revenues increase. In order toincrease Largo’s sales and in fact outsell Allegro, we should introduce a line of digital pianosin a variety of price ranges. Our digital pianos would be likely to findinstant acceptance with customers, since they would be associated with theprestigious Largo name.”
AI是"The rise of multinational corporations is leading to global homogeneity. People everywhere arc beginning to want the same products and services, and regional difference are rapidly disappearing." "homogeneity: sameness, similarity."
数学大多已经出现在jj里面了,要不然就是特别简单的。。就记得一道有点tricky的DS(我回忆题目的时候才觉得大家贡献寂静不容易啊。。就记得一道还不清不楚,不按照计算公式反过来推就不记得) total income=600(base income)+25%销售业绩,但是当销售成绩超过3000,才可以算。问销售业绩 1)25%的销售业绩(也就是奖励工资)是base income的2.5倍 2)base income是奖励工资的5倍
第一个可以算出来销售业绩是6000元 25%N=2.5*600 第二个也可以列出式子600=5*25%N,但是我算了两遍N都是480小于3000,所以我就选了A
逻辑和阅读都是jj里面的,一篇说1.1.4check的,一篇是1.4.6的广告,一篇是2.1.5蟾蜍与青蛙,还有一篇不记得了T_T 总的来说觉得jj非常的全啊。。。我考好之后还默默地bs了下自己没有记住题目为大家造福T_T
我的英文水平就是一个十足的菜鸟,大二考完六级之后就把英文丢到抓瓜拉爪国去了,之后6年都没有碰过,第一次考只看了og,结果考了个惨不忍睹的分数。。。 我觉得prep还是很重要的,比og更贴近考试题目。特别是大牛整理的prep语法分析,仔仔细细看几遍,就算是考场里面晕头转向,靠直觉选出来的答案,正确率也会比原来高很多的 谢谢所有CD的人!坚持到底就是胜利~~~~希望大家都可以考到自己满意的分数