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[原始] 北美730,一些寂静

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发表于 2010-11-16 00:04:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

作文:昨天晚上全都准备过大概想过,虽然AI还是觉得没啥好写。AA的标题是那个有关sugar出口可以减少trade deficit的,AI是关于technology alienates and separates people more than it brings people together。个人建议最好看一遍题目想想该写什么,我就是考试前一天晚上过了一遍,第二天一上来就开始打字就可以了。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 00:07:24 | 只看该作者
1.    (JJ172) N is odd positive interger, what is (N^2)^100?

2.    (DS, JJ125)At least 10 cars at the dealership has Feature A(具体忘记了先用feature A代替), 40 percent of the cars that are tainted also have Feature A, the number of cars tainted is more than that of the cars with Feature A of all the cars at dealership?
1)    80% cars have feature A( or not have feature A有点不记得了)
2)    52 cars are tainted
说明:数字没错但是1和2 的条件具体有点搞混。

3.    (JJ275, DS) x^2+x>-y^2原题不是这么直接问,而是问does (x^2+x)   exceed   -y^2?
1) x^2+y^2=1                2)x>0
我选的是 B

4.    (DS)(JJ257) Mary left 1/4 hour after her husband and take the same route as her husband to try to overtake him, how soon can she overtake her husband?
1)    Mary’s average speed is 60 mile per hour before overtaking her husband;
2)    When overtaking her husband, Mary’s speed is 12 miles per hour more than her husband;
这里我现在回忆我可能答错了,我选了C,如果真如我回忆的,应该是E。如果2的条件改成Mary’s average speed is 12 miles per hour more than her husband则是C。

5.    (JJ136) Company Z has profit of 3 million in 1999 and 6 million is 2000. Company Z’s revenue in 2000 is 20 percent more than its revenue of 1999, and expenditure in 2000 is 10 percent less than its expenditure of 1999, what is its expenditure of 1999?
Solution: 8 million.

6.    (JJ168) A store get Product A at a wholesale price. Store sells Product A at 30 percent less than the suggested price and 20 percent more than the whole price. The suggested price is $45, what is the profit?

7.    (DS,似乎接近JJ261,JJ338) what percentage of New York Stock Exchange stocks increased more than 20 percent?
1)    50 percent stocks of NYSE increased more than 10 percent
2)    20 percent stocks of NYSE increased more than 30 percent.

8.     (DS) (JJ315) m,n are positive integers, is (3^m)(1/2)^n<1?
1) n=2m                  2) n=2

9.    JJ2, JJ33。答案是C,所以如果有人碰到直接先用C去check吧。我第一个就是拿C去check就对了。

10.    JJ195题:2^(1/2)+1/(2^1/2+2)+1/(2^1/2-2)

11.    还有一个JJ260题:2x/(y^2)=?
1) x^3/y^6=1/8                 2) x-4y=0

12.    N is integer, is N odd?
1) N is not divisible by 2            2) N is not divisible by 3

13.    (JJ178) 2/a+4/b=s/r and s/r is already reduced by the largest common divisor (LCD), is ab=r?
1) a,b are prime numbers            2) LCD of a and b is 1

14.    if the order of selecting does not matter, how many combinations does A have if he selects two colors from a swatch of 7 different colors?

15.    JJ27, JJ181其中s(0)=0,问s(10)可求吗?
1) for any i>=1, s(i)-s(i-1)=I        2) for any i>=1, s(i)+s(i-1)=i^2

23.    一个比较简单的是(7/9+1/8)/(1/2)与那个数值最接近:
A) 2      ) 1        C) 1/2    D)         E) 0

24.    JJ75,答案是6:1

25.    JJ82但我的问题是what is the percentage exempt from all classes?答案40%

28.    JJ258 觉得答案是E

34.    JJ174,稍微有些不同
(1)  (r+1)/r<100/99
(2)  (r+1)/(r-1)<101/99
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 00:07:49 | 只看该作者
1.    The town of Gainsville has been suffering a lot from the hurricanes in the past decade. However, the recent local policy which requires the housing roofs should be strengthened will not work, since the damage report indicates that although a lot of roofs were damaged, a lot of flying debris was damaging the house by breaking the windows. In order to reduce the damage, the local government should add the same policy on the windows.
which of the following, if true, would greatly weak the argument presented by the author?
A)    The hurricane damage has been reduced than 100 years ago;
B)    N/A
C)    N/A
D)    Most of the debris breaking the windows are from the dislodged roof(记住看到dislodge那个答案就是了)
E)    N/A
2.    具体内容记不得了,一上来就是一个结论(bold face),然后又一段解释前面那个结论,后面又说,however, 前面那个说法并不完全(bold face)。问两个bold face的作用。应该是前面那个是结论,which the author thinks false. The second one the conclusion the author concludes.
3.    Linguists: In the past century we at least had learned more natural language than any time ever before. We at least found out that no animal communication is a discrete independent interaction. We also found out that no animal communication is a
what is the assumption that the author is based on?
不大确定,我选的是答案E:好像是说,discrete communication is natural language.
4.    A lot of artifacts found in Peru were made from Bronze, silver and iron. However, since there was no furnace for metallurgy discovered ever in Peru. The metallurgy was most probably brought in by the Spanish colonists in 17th century. However, a recent research of the water body close to Lake Stwak found some contents of lead in the deposit of the lake. Researchers since speculate that before 11th century, Inca empire has already mastered the metallurgy technique.
Which of the following, if true, would greatly strengthen the author’s conclusion?
A)    There was no metallurgy at Kina Limb Empire before 11 th century.
B)    Furnaces were frequently destroyed by the landslide coz Peru is a mountainous country.
C)    N/A
D)    N/A
E)    Lead was always found in the ores to exploit silver which was still widely used in the modern artifact industry.
5.    还有一道似乎OG还是哪里看到过:Pavement made from soft materials such as asphalt requires a lot of maintenance since they get hot in the summer which makes the pavement soft and a lot of damages can be made. Town of XXX proposed to use concrete pavement whenever a road needs complete overhaul. Pavement made from concrete will not get soft in the summer and thus requires much less maintenance. It is also known that the initial investment on concrete pavement will be almost the same as that on soft materials.
Which of the following, if true, would be useful for the town to evaluate the proposal?
Is the maintenance for concrete pavement much more expensive than other materials?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 00:08:08 | 只看该作者
1.    Those who even argue that the local government should make the laws parallel those who fails to blah blah... were perplexed by the results.
A)    parallel those who fails to blah blah...
B)    paralleling ....
C)    N/A
D)    to parallel those blah blah
E)    N/A
2.    还有一题印象非常深刻:
With automatic inflation, air bags are the most effective way to reduce the mortality of car accident.
A)    With automatic inflation, air bags are
B)    Through air bags with automatic inflation are
C)    N/A
D)    Having automatic inflation is what makes air bags
E)    N/A
3.    Some of the black origin universities in the U.S. expanded their traditionally rich connection with African countries.
答案忘记了,意思就这样,考点在于traditionally rich还是traditional and rich还是什么的,这个我觉得应该选对了
4.    还有一个题目是说Hawaii什么的not only, but also,这样的回忆估计一点也没用。
5.    还有一个是前面一个句子,比如说The introduction of the computer system into the machinery industry has been one of the biggest achievements in the last 100 years, making less labor necessary and operation more efficient.
不同的选项分别是A) 分词短语;B) which从句; C) 不定式。我选的是分词短语,因为很显然which从句不对。
发表于 2010-11-16 00:09:27 | 只看该作者
lz好细心 好有责任感的说 谢谢对书学狗狗的补充 我记得这个头像 一轮明月照DC
发表于 2010-11-16 00:12:12 | 只看该作者
好。。。。认真的  LZ.。。
发表于 2010-11-16 00:28:02 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-11-16 01:12:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-16 01:56:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-16 02:08:42 | 只看该作者
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