Neither a rising standard of living nor balanced trade, by itself, establishes a country's ability to compete in the international marketplace. Both are required simultaneously since standards of living can rise because of growing trade deficits and trade can be balanced by means of a decline in a country's standard of living. If the facts stated in the passage above are true, a proper test of a country's ability to be competitive in its ability to (A) balance its trade while its standard of living rises (B) balance it trade while its standard of living falls (C) increase trade deficits while its standard of living rises (D) decrease trade dificit while its standard of living falls (E) keep its standard of living constant while trade deficit rise 答案是a,不明白,我觉得后面的推导也有对的。 做题的时候还绕在里面,推导了一会儿。为什么是这个答案?思路是什么? |