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OG 难题 测试题25

发表于 2008-6-19 16:45:00 | 只看该作者

OG 难题 测试题25

Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually any nonflying insect.
However, when running toward an insect, the beetles intermittently stop, and then, a moment later, resume their attack.
Perhaps they cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment's rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.

Which of the following, if discovered in experiments using artificially moved prey insects, would support one of the two hypotheses and undermine the other?

(A) When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately turns and runs away without its usual intermittent stopping.

(B) In pursuing a swerving insect, a beetle alters its course while running and its pauses become more frequent as the chase processes.

(C) In pursuing a moving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insect's direction, and because equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline.

(D) If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit.

(E) When an obstacle is suddenly introduced just in front of running beetles, the beetles sometimes stop immediately, but they never respond by running around the barrier.


22 Following several years of declining advertising sales, the GREENVILLE TIMES reorganized its advertising sales force. Before organization, the dales force was organized geograhically, with some sales representatives concentrating on different businesses and others concentrating on different outlying regions. The reorganization attempted to increase the sales representatives' knowledge of clients' businesses by haning each sales representative deal with only one type of industry or of retailing. After the reorganization, revenue from advertising sales increased.

In assessing whether the improvement in advertising sales can properly be attributed to the reorganization, it would be most helpful to find out which of the following ?

B has the circulation of the GREENVILLE TIMES increased substantially in the last tow years?


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-19 17:03:58编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-22 21:01:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2008-6-22 21:30:00 | 只看该作者

In pursuing a swerving insect, beetles need to deal with more visual information than usual. The more an insect swerves, the more visual information a beetle needs to deal with. The beetle pauses frequently to transfer the all scale information in chase process.


BTW,What is your running rabbit chasing...another insect?

发表于 2010-10-12 11:43:29 | 只看该作者
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