84. Thegeneral availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers forcomputers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier. In order to deter such counterfeiting,several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dotstoo small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currentlyavailable; when such checks are scanned and printed, the dots seem to blendtogether in such a way that the word “VOID” appears on the check. Aquestionable assumption of the plan is that A.in the territory served by the banks the proportion of counterfeit checks thatare made using electronic scanners has remained approximately constant over thepast few years B.most counterfeiters who use electronic scanners counterfeit checks only forrelatively large amounts of money C.the smallest dots on the proposed checks cannot be distinguished visuallyexcept under strong magnification D.most corporations served by these banks will not have to pay more for the newchecks than for traditional checks E.the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners areable to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future
答案为E,我当时选的是C,主要是看不懂问题:问的是questionable assumption,当时感觉,既然是questionable,应该找驳斥的assumption吧。。。。但是答案给的是这个方案成立的假设。。。。感觉自己读题严重跑偏。。。。肿么办!!!求助NN!!!以前高三的时候经常犯这种非主流的错误,大家都不错的我就错,大家都错的我还错。。。。请允许我做一个悲伤的表情。。。。~~~~(>_<)~~~~ T T