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发表于 2003-4-5 15:22:00 | 只看该作者



154 In 1933 the rubber,clothing,and shipbuilding industries put into effect a six-hour workday,(believing it a seeming perment accomodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
)an economy made overproductive by advances in technology.

C  believing it a was not a temporary expendient but a seeming perment accomodation to what many observers thought of as a

D  not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accomodation to what many observers thought was


1,C中如果将seeming 改成seemingly 是不是也是正确答案了呢?
2,D中的what many observers thought was 的结构是怎么样的呢?不知道这里做的什么意思,看来是我对what 用法不熟悉,尤其是这里的was 也不知道为何放在这里。

158 Although it claim to delve into political issues,television can be (superfical such as when each of the three major networks )broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.

C  superfical if the three major networks all

E  superfical,as when the three major networks each
答案是E ,我不明白这里as 是做什么用的呢?另外C为什么不对呢?

157 Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only  from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also (the higer profits made when highly paid professionals are placed ,requests for whom )have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.

C  from the requests for highly paid professionals ,who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests
D  form highly paid professionals,whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests
E  form the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals,request for whom


我搞不清楚这个机构是怎么获利的呢?与not only from 并列的为什么是but also from the higher profits,这个地方我不懂。另外想问一下:E中的request for whom 做什么呢?是不是就相当与highly paid professionals's request 呢?谢谢大家帮我看看!
发表于 2003-4-5 17:06:00 | 只看该作者
154, 如果将seeming 改成seemingly 也是正确答案 (XDF笔记 :)
发表于 2003-4-6 02:24:00 | 只看该作者
let me try...

以下是引用smilinglan在2003-4-5 15:22:00的发言:
154 In 1933 the rubber,clothing,and shipbuilding industries put into effect a six-hour workday,(believing it a seeming perment accomodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
)an economy made overproductive by advances in technology.

C  believing it a was not a temporary expendient but a seeming perment accomodation to what many observers thought of as a

D  not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accomodation to what many observers thought was
1,C中如果将seeming 改成seemingly 是不是也是正确答案了呢?

1. believing没有逻辑主语。
2. 分词短语,一般:
b.伴随动作,beliving 应该不是一个动作。

2,D中的what many observers thought was 的结构是怎么样的呢?不知道这里做的什么意思,看来是我对what 用法不熟悉,尤其是这里的was 也不知道为何放在这里。

理论而言,应该是以was作谓语的定语从句(嵌套一个小主语从句),修饰expedient. 整理如下:
not as a temporary expedient what many observers thought was but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to an economy made over productive by advances in technology.
整个not as后面的句子,作为6-hour workday的同位语。这也是为什么into effect提前的原因。

158 Although it claim to delve into political issues,television can be (superfical such as when each of the three major networks )broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.

C  superfical if the three major networks all

E  superfical,as when the three major networks each
答案是E ,我不明白这里as 是做什么用的呢?另外C为什么不对呢?

这句考的是such as 和as 用法上的分别。

such as举例,后面不可跟when从句(白勇的理论)。但是在这道题里,需要这么一个例子来证明television can be superficial。怎么办?用as引导。as作为副词,表“就像,比如”。同样的例子:as above, as before, as usual, as well.


157 Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only  from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also (the higer profits made when highly paid professionals are placed ,requests for whom )have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.
C  from the requests for highly paid professionals ,who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests
D  form highly paid professionals,whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests
E  form the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals,request for whom

我搞不清楚这个机构是怎么获利的呢?与not only from 并列的为什么是but also from the higher profits,这个地方我不懂。另外想问一下:E中的request for whom 做什么呢?是不是就相当与highly paid professionals's request 呢?谢谢大家帮我看看!

1. 从request和专家身上获利似更不可理解。怎么获利的不用去管,直到利润可以带给他们benefit就好。有点像逻辑,不能多想,说啥信啥即可。
2. not only from ... but also from... 对仗工整,有何不妥?
3. requests for who做定语从句,修饰professionals:对这种高薪专家的需求增长了......
发表于 2003-4-6 10:53:00 | 只看该作者
154 In 1933 the rubber,clothing,and shipbuilding industries put into effect a six-hour workday,(believing it a seeming perment accomodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
)an economy made overproductive by advances in technology.

C  believing it a was not a temporary expendient but a seeming perment accomodation to what many observers thought of as a

D  not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accomodation to what many observers thought was

158 Although it claim to delve into political issues,television can be (superfical such as when each of the three major networks )broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.

C  superfical if the three major networks all


157 Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only  from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also (the higer profits made when highly paid professionals are placed ,requests for whom )have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.

C  from the requests for highly paid professionals ,who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests
D  form highly paid professionals,whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests
E  form the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals,request for whom

此题考的平行结构。但是如果是从此入手我们很难排除,退而求其次动词就从make入手make的发出者是人,d是placement发出的是可以排除的。比较C E,我们再从动词入手看place作为“放置”是及物动词,而C的动词使用是不对的,place后面什么都没有,发出者也不明确。所以,E比较好

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-6 11:04:41编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-6 17:44:00 | 只看该作者
先感谢Robin,小鹿, 1stzhang 给我的热情回复!待我慢慢看来
 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-6 18:12:00 | 只看该作者



以下是引用Robin在2003-4-5 17:06:00的发言:
154, 如果将seeming 改成seemingly 也是正确答案 (XDF笔记 :)

因为我认为这里的beileving 做伴随动作,并且这里的动作发出者是the rubber,clothing,and shipbuilding industries 呀,希望咱们再讨论讨论,也希望更多的战友们来发表不同的意见,谢谢大家哦~

 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-6 18:14:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用siebel在2003-4-6 2:24:00的发言:
let me try...

这句考的是such as 和as 用法上的分别。

such as举例,后面不可跟when从句(白勇的理论)。但是在这道题里,需要这么一个例子来证明television can be superficial。怎么办?用as引导。as作为副词,表“就像,比如”。同样的例子:as above, as before, as usual, as well.


发表于 2003-4-6 18:36:00 | 只看该作者
即使认为believe发出者是the rubber,clothing,and shipbuilding industries,那么believe后面也要加上that即believe that it was not ......,单把seeming改为seemingly是依然是不对的。我个人认为用it指带a six-hour workday是不合理的,按照本句的意思它想用it 指代put into effect a six-hour workday,但it 是不能指带一句话的。于是,正确选项放弃使用believe和it,直接使用not as....but as ....这个结构。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-6 18:38:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用1stzhang在2003-4-6 10:53:00的发言:
158 Although it claim to delve into political issues,television can be (superfical such as when each of the three major networks )broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.

C  superfical if the three major networks all


谢谢1stzhang !经过你的提醒,我想清楚了~
C 中的意思是尽管电视涉及到一些政治观点,但是当3家电台播放来自同一个竞选者的观点时,电视节目可能是肤浅的,言外之意,在很多的情况下电视很透彻的分析了政治事件。我认为这与前面的Although 转折上不太合适。

而E中很好,尽管电视涉及到一些政治观点,但是电视节目可能是肤浅的,比如当3家电台播放来自同一个竞选者的观点时,读起来很通畅也很合理。正如小鹿所说的as 在这里应该是比如,就像的意思。

发表于 2003-4-6 23:49:00 | 只看该作者
154,C中如果将seeming 改成seemingly ,也不对。伴随状语意思含混不清楚。此外,BELIEVEING后的宾语从句没有THAT。
D中的accommodation to what many observers thought was an economy made overproductive by advances in technology,因为是accommodation to,所以后面的成分都应该可以看作一个something,显然这个something就应该是what 引导的一个宾语从句,但是,最可怕的是,这个what 引导的的句子是一个主从复合句,不是一个从句。所以一定要说D对,我只能猜测ETS认为what many observers thought was中的many observers thought只是一个插入成分,句子主干其实是what was an economy made overproductive by advances in technology。但是,这种用法又好象很怪异,尽管似乎也有这种结构。


E中的request for whom 做什么呢?是不是就相当与highly paid professionals's request 呢?——————————————我觉得你的猜测是正确的。
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