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发表于 2004-8-7 00:01:00 | 只看该作者


gemj  的 GMAT-LSAT-CR题目


14.   As an experienced labor organizer and the former head of one of the nation’s most powerful labor unions, Grayson is an excellent choice to chair the new council on business-labor relations.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?

(A) The new council must have the support of the nation’s labor leaders if it is to succeed.

(B) During his years as a labor leader, Grayson established a record of good relations with business leaders.

(C) The chair of the new council must be a person who can communicate directly with the leaders of the nation’s largest labor unions.

(D) Most of the other members of the new council will be representatives of business management interests.

(E) An understanding of the needs and problems of labor is the only qualification necessary for the job of chairing the new council.



2.     Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

(A) The percentage of voters registered as independents is higher today than ever before.

(B) In a recent presidential campaign, for the first time ever, an independent candidate was invited to appear in a televised debate with the major-party candidates.

(C) Every current member of the U.S. Senate was elected as the candidate of one of the two major parties.

(D) In a recent opinion poll, most voters stated that a candidate’s party affiliation was an insignificant factor in judging his or her fitness for office

(E) In the last four years, the outcome of several statewide elections has been determined by the strength of the third-party vote.

一点头绪都没有! 答案为C


发表于 2004-8-7 02:31:00 | 只看该作者

test B


因为给你的条件是,他原来是labor union的,结论是:他是最佳人选。

B。他因加强,good relations with business leaders,其他人也是有可能有这个relation的

E。主因加强An understanding of the needs and problems of labor is the only qualification necessary for the job of chairing the new council.因为他原来是labor的主席,所以没有人比他更合适啦。加强是原文给的条件的唯一性。


发表于 2004-8-7 18:48:00 | 只看该作者

倒, 看到这个题目, 我还以为是mM的决心书呢. 哈哈.

建议一帖一题, 便于别人回复.

标题写明题号, 便于日后总结和查找.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-8 01:50:00 | 只看该作者
hehe ,xiexie 大家的回复—— 以后就一帖一题吧——但是,发帖的太多拉,一帖一题的话在第一页挂不住 :P,西西……一帖两题怎样啊(讨价还价啦~~~)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-8 01:53:00 | 只看该作者
西西,二楼大侠,谢谢拉~~~   有空请你吃烧饼吧:)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-8 02:26:00 | 只看该作者
TEST-C    NO.2

We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

(A) The percentage of voters registered as independents is higher today than ever before.

B) In a recent presidential campaign, for the first time ever, an independent candidate was invited to appear in a televised debate with the major-party candidates.

(C) Every current member of the U.S. Senate was elected as the candidate of one of the two major parties.

(D) In a recent opinion poll, most voters stated that a candidate’s party affiliation was an insignificant factor in judging his or her fitness for office

(E) In the last four years, the outcome of several statewide elections has been determined by the strength of the third-party vote.

一点头绪都没有! 答案为C(有劳啦!)

发表于 2005-3-22 19:43:00 | 只看该作者

14.   As an experienced labor organizer and the former head of one of the nation’s most powerful labor unions, Grayson is an excellent choice to chair the new council on business-labor relations.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?

(A) The new council must have the support of the nation’s labor leaders if it is to succeed.

(B) During his years as a labor leader, Grayson established a record of good relations with business leaders.

(C) The chair of the new council must be a person who can communicate directly with the leaders of the nation’s largest labor unions.

(D) Most of the other members of the new council will be representatives of business management interests.E

(E) An understanding of the needs and problems of labor is the only qualification necessary for the job of chairing the new council.

分析一下E:An understanding of the needs and problems of labor is the only qualification necessary for the job of chairing the new council

是否可以说明:An understanding of the needs and problems of labor 是the job of chairing the new council的充分且必要条件??

因为如果An understanding of the needs and problems of labor 仅仅是必要条件的话,G也不一定就是最佳人选,因为他不一定能完全符合这个职位的其它要求;而如果An understanding of the needs and problems of labor 是充分条件的话,那么“G拥有这个条件”就可以认为他是最佳的人选了。


发表于 2005-3-23 08:51:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-3-23 16:06:00 | 只看该作者

关于testc no.2   题目说:it is heard that两个主要党的重要性在下降,决定竞选的是mass media而不是the power of the parties.然后作者反驳以上说法,他的理由是在最近几年没有一个独立的第三党派赢得竞选.而且在上次全国竞选中两个大党raised and spent more money than ever before ,然后作者的结论是两党制让位的说法过早了(也就是那种说法不对)




发表于 2009-1-11 10:17:00 | 只看该作者

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-31 10:45:35编辑过]
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