今天下午在北美第一次冲击gmat,740分,本人英语是弱项,能考这个分数已经很满足了,不打算考第二次了。 先介绍一下本人的个人英语情况,四级480,六级526,考研69,一直成绩平平,和nn们没法比。本来第一次冲击gmat安排在09年10月29日的,之前8月20日开始准备,一直准备到10月1日之前,然后因为各种原因就没怎么再看了,正担心考不好,结果10月20日阑尾炎把考试错过了。这次从1月10日左右开始准备,一直准备到昨天晚上。每天学习3个小时左右,主要是OG和PREP,少量寂静(主要是时间有限)。Prep之前模考过三次,分别是700,680,760。 作文部分都不难,arguement可以顺利套用七宗罪,issue部分正好在寂静上看到了写作思路,所以这部分很顺利,提前10分钟写完的。 数学比我想象的难,但是题目记不太清楚了,有几道题想了很久,不过最后还是提前20分钟完成了。 verbal部分要了我的命了,开始还行做得很认真,但是大多不太确定,逻辑有那个做乐器的公司,觉得高端产品销路不好,决定只生产低端产品那个。阅读有一个是语法有两种表示方法的,一个是英国殖民Australia的,还有一个是grey economic的,总之到了后来还有10道题的时候时间不够用了,我几乎是胡乱写的,以为死定了。结果出来740分,我都不敢相信。可能就如大家说的,前面的题很重要吧,很影响分数,抑或是后面的都被我蒙对了?不太确定,总之和我一样到后来没时间的童鞋们遇到这种情况不要慌张。 我的作文寂静
Arguement:The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, a processor of frozen
“Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its 25th birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.
我老公今天也考了,他的arguement是 “Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”
“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”
感谢CD,下次的tofel还得靠你呢。 |