每个选项分析 A.错,假如ES这个人1738年开始peddle的,他peddle off and on for 20 years直到 1758年,这个假设符合所有题目要求,但是不support A. B.错,从题目信息无法推出,很明显。 C.正确,取非,假如The undated document was written in or after 1765,那么ES是1745年开始peddle的,显然1739年他被抓得前提就不成立。所以c正确,必须undated one was written before 1765 D.错,从题目信息无法推出,很肯能他在peddle off and on for19years的时候被抓了,即arrest record was written before the undated document. E.错,在provides evidence that Schnitzler peddled这一角度,二者是一样的。
In the course of her researches, a historian recently found two documents mentioning the same person, Erich Schnitzler. One, dated May 3, 1739, is a record of Schnitzler’s arrest for peddling without a license. The second, undated, is a statement by Schnitzler asserting that he has been peddling off and on for 20 years. The facts above best support which of the following conclusions? (A) Schnitzler started peddling around 1719. (B) Schnitzler was arrested repeatedly for peddling. (C) The undated document was written before 1765. (D) The arrest record was written after the undated document.、 (E) The arrest record provides better evidence that Schnitzler peddled than does the undated document. -- by 会员 小黛安 (2011/9/3 14:39:09)