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发表于 2009-11-5 15:19:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Women make up a larger proportion of workers in the information services industry than they did ten years ago. This is partly shown by the fact that in 1985, only 7 percent of women in the workforce were employed in the information services industry, but in 1995, over 16 percent of women in the workforce were employed in the information services industry.
In evaluating the argument above, it would be most useful to compare 1985 and 1995 with regard to which of the following characteristics?
 1  The percentage of women in the workforce who were not employed in the information services industry    
 2 The percentage of women who are now retired who have worked in the information services industry
 3 The percentage of women who have been promoted to managerial positions within the information services industry
 4 The percentage of men in the workforce who were employed in the information services industry
 5 The percentage of men who will soon be eligible for employment in the information services industry

OA    4   We can determine the proportion of female workers in this industry only if we also know the proportion of male workers.

...7 percent of women in the workforce were employed ... 这句话是不是有两种解释1.workforce中的女人的7%被聘用
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发表于 2009-11-5 23:33:40 | 只看该作者
你的第一种理解比较正确,因为是7% of women, 后面跟的是women, inthe workforce是修饰women
这题的第一句话Women make up a larger proportion of workers in the information services industry than they did ten years ago是题目在试图说明的事情,但是如果有更大比例的男性从事information service,则这个argument就不正确了,所以要evaluate这个argument,就要知道4
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 00:40:16 | 只看该作者
假设如下情况 (假设男女进入比例相同)
                       1985年                                                1995年
男性工作者100人(假设)  进入比例 7%(假设)                   男性工作者1000人(假设)  进入比例 16%(假设)
女性工作者1000人(假设)  进入比例7%(已知)                     女性工作者100人(假设)  进入比例16%(已知)      
         女性比例=70/77                                                                        女性比例=16/176

结果 女性比例下降

           1985年                                                1995年
女性工作者100人(假设)  进入比例 7%(假设)                   女性工作者1000人(假设)  进入比例 16%(假设)
男性工作者1000人(假设)  进入比例7%(已知)                     男性工作者100人(假设)  进入比例16%(已知)      
         女性比例=7/77                                                                        女性比例=160/176

结果 女性比例上升
发表于 2009-11-6 02:09:03 | 只看该作者

4 -I agree

conclusion: larger women workers in the information services industry now than 10ys ago (注意这个large 指的是绝对数字)
now (1995) 16% of women 女人中的16% 现在在infor 行业中
past(1985) 7% of woman
显然结论不成立--并没有large 的women 进入info 行业。
通过4 就可以知道多少女人进入工作
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 09:58:14 | 只看该作者
原文不是说larger proportion 吗
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