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北美9月.19三战 750 (Q50,V41) 老蜗牛跋山涉水过险滩 – 对使用钩钩的个人心得(长)

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发表于 2009-10-21 06:02:00 | 只看该作者

北美9月.19三战 750 (Q50,V41) 老蜗牛跋山涉水过险滩 – 对使用钩钩的个人心得(长)


先上少少钩钩. 考试心得在后.


RC: 加洲浮游生物增长就是以下的原文.  



Long-term studies by U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS) scientists have found that a cooling in ocean temperatures led to
increased phytoplankton blooms and red tides in San Francisco Bay, California.
The declining temperatures took place off the coast of California between 1999
and 2004.


This is a surprising result because
scientists and water-resource managers normally associate phytoplankton blooms
with increases in the amount of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus,
entering estuaries from such sources as wastewater treatment plants and runoff
from agricultural fields. In this case, the phytoplankton blooms in the Bay
occurred during a period of decreasing nutrient concentrations and inputs.


The scientists discovered the effects
of the cold Pacific temperatures by using water-quality and biological data
collected over 25 years. The colder temperatures caused changes in the types,
abundance, and migration patterns of marine life in the San Francisco Bay and
costal ocean waters. The drop in temperature caused marine life, such as fish,
shrimp, and crabs, to migrate to warmer waters, like San Francisco Bay.


migrations caused an increase in the numbers of predators, such as Bay shrimp
and Dungeness crabs, that eat filter feeders, such as clams. Clams can filter
large quantities of phytoplankton from the Bay’s water, which can prevent
phytoplankton blooms. With the increase in predators, there was a corresponding
decrease in clam populations and an increase in the amount of phytoplankton.




作文AA: 15.(题库94题;3The
following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine.

“A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes
and paid for telephone connections so that they could access Apex computers and
data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity
at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success
at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will
work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.” 


AI: 11.(题库81题;6
“No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in
business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking.”




MATH: 大部分题目钩钩里都有了, 没有的也极其简单,做的我有点不相信觉得有什么陷阱,其实没有的.


(√1+√1+√1+√X)=某数, 问X=? ,貌是


一个班有160个学生, 学A的40个人,学B的74个人,什么都不学的是两个都学的5倍,问两个都学的人数?
答案有: 1,3,8,14,




Neither First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt nor Secretary of Labor
Frances Perkins sought recognition by the press, and both cautiously allowed
others of the Roosevelt brain trust to take credit for the genesis of
historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security that were
in large measure what they had been responsible for


A.      to
take credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief,
and social security that were in large measure what they had been responsible


to take credit for the genesis of historic
programs in public employment, relief, and social security for which the two
women were in large measure responsible


C.       taking
credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and
social security for which the two women were in large measure responsible    


D.      taking
credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and
social security that were in large measure what they were responsible for   


E.      taking
credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and
social security which were largely their responsibility




历时一年GMAT. 终于完结篇. 一战0812600, 二战091月裸奔540,万年俱灰,信心全无.


098月中下旬将三战正式摆上台面, 很痛苦的要再面对屡次战败于的GMAT.有点麻木的感觉,不害怕不兴奋,想到做题有点做呕. 重新捡起GWD每天2, OG12SCCR过了一遍,还有PREP.  阅读是我最弱项,根源速度太慢. 但是三战准备期间,明显觉得自己作题时轻松点,能比原来更容易识别出考点. 应该归功于前3个月每天(周末2天除外)4篇阅读加分析,用的是”GMAT GRE LSAT全部2772 阅读真题”. 我最后两个礼拜每天50SC,让自己保持语法感觉和对考点的敏感度.




接下来就要说说钩钩一事了. 一战偶是3天前看的钩,其实基本是溷囵吞枣, MATH RC考试时有等与无,考时极力回忆钩看不进文章,但却没有将钩里的内容记熟于心.所以虽说MATH拿了个过的去的49,V方面是一败涂地. 三战时我是从本月换题的第一天就开始接触钩钩,原因之一是当时好象还没有固定的整理团队, 即使有了固定整理人后我还是每天自己再总结RC和看MATH讨论帖. 我这样做,让我几乎对阅读每篇钩钩结构都做到了烂熟于心. MATH 也是做了不下5遍(我三战什么数学题都没碰就是钩钩,文科数学弱),
CR自己分析了答案的正确可靠性,看到题就知道答案大体方向. 作文考前3周自己草了个很大兴的OUTLINE,考试时没有用.对与作文黄金80还是有帮助的,我看了10几20篇的文章,考前头天晚上过作文钩钩的时候忽然觉得胸中豁朗开朗,AA不管什么argument
都能根据7宗罪找到3个攻击点; AI 题普遍能想到个靠铺的论点(完全不同于前两回一头雾水).多看文章了解一下基本论点很有潜影默化的作用. 还有以同时受害以及受益于钩钩的过来人的身份提醒各位TX一定一定要慎用钩钩:
无论如何都请一定考试时不要只回忆钩钩,要自己读题作题. 我上面提了, CR和MATH的题目我真的是属于如果不是变体看到题就知道答案,要是变体知道解题突破口. 我做题的速度一向不快,GWD做超时是常事.
三战CR钩钩帮我提速不少. 而RC,我是原文内容大体结构考点熟计于心,但是阅读太多的细节纠缠,钩钩真的只是个工具,帮助在难辨真伪的时候理顺思路. 我4篇阅读: Cartel, California
浮游生物增长, Discount broker, 亚当斯密自由经济主义. 每篇我都自己读选答案, 除了Cartel题目无质疑外,其它3篇的题目关系到很多细节以及对文章的理解,一定要读文章.




考试当天请TX保持镇定,尽量放松,深呼吸再深呼吸. 我考试当天真是天时地利人和,考试环境极其安静好过前2次,我不习惯耳机-太重,只用耳塞,期间只听到3,5次开门声就无它了.
前台的接待听口音是个英国阿姨,态度极其和蔼,我为了放松自己故意和她聊天,她还让我STRECTH TO RELAX. 我是一鼓作气没有休息的考下来. 数学还剩15分钟,觉得状态还好就小休息了2分钟开始战V.

文章超短,可题目纠结. 最后3题剩5分钟. 点SURVEY的时候心在打鼓,不过有预感不会太差.
结果超出我的预期. 拿下耳塞发现全考场就剩我一个人,难怪如此安静.走出考场,打掌纹的RUSSIAN阿姨对我的成绩很是兴奋,我说”I work very
hard on it”




在此非常万分以及由衷的感谢CD和每位贡献整理讨论钩钩的TX 们,你们的血泪钩钩成就了我的终曲.
And my hard work finally pays back. I am so lucky because of you CDers. 申请的路才开了个头,希望各位都心想事成.
Good luck all! 再次感谢!




发表于 2009-10-21 06:49:00 | 只看该作者



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