M51V42 700--630--770坚持就是胜利! 先上寂静: AA:公司在选地方的时候要look at Helios,因为1.即使在萧条时期,Helios的失业率远低于平均水平;2.在过去Helios provide 什么。。;然后还有Helios想吸引那些科技创新的企业进驻。 AI:The most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards. M: 考到LLsheep版2(我遇到的是表示3X除以2的余数)/16/39/41/50/51/64/76/81/86/101/125(这道是问两个净现值相差多少dollar,我选E)/129/132/137/138/156/161/171/182/185/193/202/230(四个数字不为零,可以不相等)/247/258/283/284/289 补充两道新寂静: 1.n是不是偶数 (1)n(n+3)/4是偶数 (2)n(n+2)是偶数 选B 2.一个桶里50%的水倒进了3个小杯子里,都正好倒满,问小杯子的容量是桶的多少。 17% V: RC:三短一长,分别是美国连锁书店,植物与蚂蚁,耳肌,黑人财富 CR:考到12桥的改造,26鱼饲料的选择,42警察优待外地车,49重建没有让政府赚钱,58新产品上市,59关于广告的实验,85平均寿命延长的原因(有个选项是说婴儿什么的) 倒数第三道是个黑脸题,好像在寂静里看到过但是又找不到了=。= SC:平行,主谓一致,unlike,冒号破折号。。比我上个月630的时候简单多了=。= 考到了那道GWD原题:GWD30-Q16: A •Researchers are using computer images to help surgeons plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do for pilots, letting medical personnel practice their techniques and test their reflexes before they ever see a patient. A. plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do B. plan difficult operations and develop programs to work for doctors and nurses the same way as with flight simulators C. to plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses like flight simulators D. plan difficult operations and in developing programs to work for doctors and nurses the same way as flight simulators E. to plan difficult operations and developing programs that will work for doctors and nurses like flight simulators do 这是我的第二题,估计是高分题,做完后就出逻辑了 第一次考是今年3月底,600的水平考了700,都乐到天上去了,这也直接导致了7月底的过度自信,看了一个星期书就以为能考750. 侥幸心理+混乱的pace,出分的那一刻让我从云端狠狠地摔到了坚硬冰冷的水泥地。 8月一直用GMATTimer做GWD,渐渐地能把握好pace按时完成,错误稳定在15个左右,当然和NN是不能比的,但是比起一战前动辄错20来个还超时已经好多了。 三战报名的时候叫同学帮我刷考位,跟她聊天的空档我竟然就刷到了,想我之前刷了一整天都没刷到啊=。=同学语出惊人:该是你的还是你的。。就是这句话,让我在之后烦躁的时候平静不少。 考之前也没想过能考这么高,在这里要真诚地感谢整理寂静的同学们,让我这个逻辑狂烂阅读文章一般看不懂的老菜鸟在G路上有了一个完美的ending~所以呢,语法要争取做对,这样才能在后面碰到大量的逻辑寂静和比较完整的阅读寂静。 呵呵,还要谢谢一起考试的一个穿红T恤的GG,在作文和数学之间break的时候那句违规的“加油”让我充满了力量。希望你也能取得理想的成绩^-^ 祝大家杀G成功!