15. A researcher studying drug addicts found that, on average, they tend to manipulate other people a great deal more than nonaddicts do. The researcher concluded that people who frequently manipulate other people are likely to become addicts. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weak-ens the researcher's conclusion? A. After becoming addicted to drugs, drug addicts learn to manipulate other people as a way of obtaining drugs. B. When they are imprisoned, drug addicts often use their ability to manipulate other people to obtain better living conditions (C) Some nonaddicts manipulate other people more than some addicts do. (D) People who are likely to become addicts exhibit unusual behavior patterns other than frequent manipulation of other people. (E) The addicts that the researcher studied were often unsuccessful in obtaining what they wanted when they manipulated other people. 答案:A. 我对这题很纠结~ 关键是考试时哪有时间随便一看就看出原文中有因果关系了呢,完全没有信号词。那更别提会想到因果倒置这层关系了。 外加我对lawyer的相关性和特殊性见解仍不是很透彻,能否拿这题讲讲a.b.c.d.e选项的相关性和特殊性问题? 请高人指教!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/11 19:38:36编辑过] |