小算了一下。望指教。 1 A home owner must pick between paint A, which costs 6 dollar per liter, and paint B, which costs 4.5 dollar per liter. Paint B takes one-third longer to apply than paint A. If the home owner must pay the cost of labor at the rate of 36 dollar per hour, which of the two paints will be cheaper to apply? (1) the ratio of the area covered by one liter of paint A to the area covered by paint B is 4:3 (2) Paint A will require 40 liters of paint and 100 hours of labor 我选C. 因为总的cost=paint的cost+labor的费用。(1)没提到粉刷时间==〉不充分 (1)(2)结合可算出AB各自要用的paint的量(由此算出各自用在paint上的cost)和分别用AB刷要用的时间。===〉充分。 2 In a certain law firm there are five senior partners and five junior partners and all senior partners receive bonuses greater than those of the junior partner. Does senior partner J receive the largest bonus of the lawyers at the firm? (1) J receives a bonus greater than twice the average bonus for all the senior partners (2) All partners receive some bonus, and Mr. J receives five times the average given to all the partners 我选B。 设五个senior的平均工资是A,五个junior的平均工资为B。 (1)J〉2A 分析:1。可能还有一个人的工资〉J。 其他三个senior的工资的和小于A。 2。也可能J是最高的。 (2)J= 1/2(5A+5B) 不可能还有人拿到〉1/2(5A+5B)的工资。因为十个人的工资总数为5A+5B。 |