关于assumption base的一点理解。 希望牛牛们给我指导一下这题目(此类型,或者我这么分析还欠缺什么,考试时候要注意什么)我分析的思路。,Base on the assumption that 是困扰我很久的一种题目,虽然许多都是对的,但是做这种题目让我觉得没什么套路。比如这道题目。其实只要第一句话是fact,其他都是属于推断。从in fact开始就应该算是推测的了。Explanation 是:because they must 。。。,推理的过程是:要吸引大量观众------》show 要吸引大量观众-------》fact:都是mainstream talk show。 31问的是在explanation 中的assumption。就是想说吸引观众和播放mainstream talk show的assumption的关系。即,非主流的内容大家是不会看的,所以选择B 32 the explanation offered by the author makes the assumption that…和31的区别,一个是explanation自身内部的,一个是explanation和整个文章的。Explanation的出的结论是alk shows are typically bland and innocuous. 而这是属于explanation 的一部分的,explanation是想要对第一句解释。所以,这个之间缺少桥梁。所以。。。 Political opinion and analysis outside the mainstream rarely are found on television talk shows, and it might be thought that this state of affairs is a product of the political agenda of the television stations themselves. In fact, television stations are driven by the same economic forces as sellers of more tangible goods. Because they must attempt to capture the largest possible share of the television audience for their shows, they air only those shows that will appeal to large numbers of people. As a result, political opinions and analyses aired on television talk shows are typically bland and innocuous. 31. An assumption made in the explanation offered by the author of the passage is that (A) most television viewers cannot agree on which elements of a particular opinion or analysis are most disturbing. (B) there are television viewers who might refuse to watch television talk shows that they knew would be controversial and disturbing. (C) each television viewer holds some opinion that is outside the political mainstream, but those opinions are not the same for everyone. (D) there are television shows on which economic forces have an even greater impact than they do on television talk shows. (E) the television talk shows of different stations resemble one another in most respects.
32. The explanation offered by the author of the passage makes the assumption that (A) television station executives usually lack a political agenda of their own (B) bland and innocuous political opinions and analyses are generally in the mainstream (C) political analysts outside the mainstream are relatively indifferent to the effect their analyses have on television viewers (D) most television viewers are prepared to argue against allowing the expression of political opinions and analyses with which they disagree (E) the political opinions of television station executives are not often reflected in the television shows their stations produce |