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发表于 2009-4-16 18:51:00 | 只看该作者


这两题我选的分别是:19。B  20.A能不能帮我讲讲为啥答案是E.B。咋想都想不通

19.   It is widely assumed that a museum is helped financially when a generous patron donates a potential exhibit. In truth, however, donated objects require storage space, which is not free, and routine conservation, which is rather expensive. Therefore, such gifts exacerbate rather than lighten the demands made on a museum’s financial resources.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A) To keep patrons well disposed, a museum will find it advisable to put at least some donated objects on exhibit rather than merely in storage.

(B) The people who are most likely to donate valuable objects to a museum are also the people who are most likely to make cash gifts to it.

(C) A museum cannot save money by resorting to cheap storage under less than adequate conditions, because so doing would drive up the cost of conservation.

(D) Patrons expect a museum to keep donated objects in its possession rather than to raise cash by selling them.E

(E) Objects donated by a patron to a museum are often of such importance that the museum would be obliged to add them to its collection through purchase if necessary.

20.   Despite the approach of winter, oil prices to industrial customers are exceptionally low this year and likely to remain so. Therefore, unless the winter is especially severe, the price of natural gas to industrial customers is also likely to remain low.

Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the conclusion above?

(A) Long-term weather forecasts predict a mild winter.

(B) The industrial users who consume most natural gas can quickly and cheaply switch to using oil instead.

(C) The largest sources of supply for both oil and natural gas are in subtropical regions unlikely to be affected by winter weather.

(D) The fuel requirements of industrial users of natural gas are not seriously affected by the weather.B

(E) Oil distribution is more likely to be affected by severe winter weather than is the distribution of natural gas.

发表于 2009-4-16 19:44:00 | 只看该作者
19.  若是在考試 我也會選B, 因為時間短 找邏輯明顯的答案. 

     但是仔細想想B的答案... 把東西捐給博物館 的目的是為了展出, 而不是為了拍賣.
     因此, 就接受捐贈者之展覽品的角度來說, 是會越來越多的.

      回想題目, 只問說 在這樣有限的空間(或昂貴)裡, 越多的展覽品是加重財務困難,
      但沒說會進行拍賣. (我們都想多了...)

      所以, 針對 "接受展覽品與否" 的角度來說, 重點變成是 要不要 謹慎的接受這些東西.

      也因此, 答案E 就比較符合, 僅在 "必要時" 才接受.

Hope helps~

发表于 2009-4-16 20:13:00 | 只看该作者
20. 這題我個人覺得有陷阱.

若是考試,1分半鐘, 我會選A.

來看看: are exceptionally low
這代表 Oil 的價格出現比預期的低, 也就是說應該要高的.
而 因為 Oil 價格異常低, 且題目又說 除非 天氣更差或劇變, 否則 Gas 的價格會跟著低迷.

這代表 天氣因素 讓 Oil與Gas 之間出現一個對應關係, 
而 還有什麼加深這個關係?
不是氣候的不變, 而是 Gas的消費者可以輕易的轉換並使用Oil, 
這表示 Oil 跟Gas 的關係 又更加緊密了. 
(Oil 價低, Gas 也會低, 因為使用者可以交換用, 所以gas沒有獨立喊價的空間了)

一般的強化論點型的邏輯題目, 都會在既有條件的量(來源或需求)上延續強度, 但這一題是利用新的關係去強化一個論點.

是蠻欺負人的~ 呵呵~

发表于 2009-4-17 13:55:00 | 只看该作者

The 1st one < I suppose B is correct which can better explain why gifts exacerbate rather than lighten the demands financially .

The 2nd one < I should choose D .To unswer this logic sentence, we just need find the coorelative linkage between oil and gas .

the coorelation between  the oil and gas  is explained as  "unless the winter is especially severe, the price of natural gas to industrial customers is also likely to remain low" . This hints that the reason why industry customers swift from using oil to gas is closely affacted by the weather.

发表于 2009-4-18 17:01:00 | 只看该作者







发表于 2009-4-18 19:44:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-4-18 19:57:00 | 只看该作者


A:oil prices to industrial customers are exceptionally low this year and likely to remain so,

B:the price of natural gas to industrial customers is also likely to remain low


前边所有的都在讲OIL,最后却来了句GAS,所以本体的关键就是要建立起三者的关系:GAS、OIL、Industrial customers,所以B对,A必错。剩下的也可以无关词排除CD,至于E,他是说GAS跟OIL的反向关系,而原文是说正向关系(价格都低)。这样是最简单的,不用想具体为什么B对

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-18 20:10:46编辑过]
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