30Statistics over four consecutive years showed that four percent more automobile accidents happened in California during the week following the switch to daylight saving time and during the week following the switch back to standard time than occurred the week before each event. These statistics show that these time changes adversely affect the alertness of California divers. The conclusion in the argument above is based on which of the following assumptions? (A) Drivers in California as well as those in the rest of the United States have similar driving patterns. (B) The observed increases in accident rates are due almost entirely to an increase in the number of minor accidents. (C) Four years is not a sufficiently long period of time over which to judge the phenomenon described. (D) There are no other factors such as school vacations or holiday celebration that cause accident rates to rise during these weeks. (E) A time change at any other time of years would not produce a similar increase in accident rates. 刚刚开始看CR的菜鸟。。。我选的是E 但是答案是D 陈向东的解释是E选项的similar有误。。想来想去不太明白,请教各位NN了~
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-3 20:10:06编辑过] |