The recent decline in the value of the dollar was triggered by a prediction of slower economic growth in the coming year. But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the government’s huge budget deficit, which must therefore be decreased to prevent future currency declines.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion about how to prevent future currency declines?
(A) The government has made little attempt to reduce the budget deficit.
(B) The budget deficit has not caused a slowdown in economic growth.
(C) The value of the dollar declined several times in the year prior to the recent prediction of slower economic growth.
(D) Before there was a large budget deficit, predictions of slower economic growth frequently caused declines in the dollar’s value.
(E) When there is a large budget deficit, other events in addition to predictions of slower economic growth sometimes trigger declines in currency value.
原文可简化为 a (对于经济增长放缓的预期) + b(政府赤字)导致了c(美元贬值),原题中政府通过削弱B来达到阻止c的目的。
选项D, 说明了a可以单独影响c, 通过削弱a就可以阻止c,所以D选项削弱了ARGUMENT。
质疑 D选项说a可以单独影响c,就可以削弱通过b来影响c这种手段吗?
削弱a可以阻止c,但是削弱b也可以阻止C, 凭什么说前者的存在就是对后者的削弱。(注意原文并没有说削弱b是唯一阻止c的手段)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-15 23:10:28编辑过] |