以下是引用dnianbo在2008-12-14 14:45:00的发言: 投行的分析师做啥了,不就是靠那些伪科学的信用分析吗?如果分析真有效果,会有那么多坏帐吗?那些看似复杂的数学模型和你们光鲜投行的工作才是屁.
chill down, man. the structured products facilitated the process of financing, and brought down financing cost for many borrowers. the invention was not evil, but the problem is that greed made people misuage or overuse the tool, creating all the bubbles and troubles. if you said the greedy bankers are a foul, I kinda agree, but without the help of equally greedy households, they could not single-handedly put things through. the sumptuous and unconstrained consuming habit of the whole nation brought the system down. |