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发表于 2003-5-31 11:08:00 | 只看该作者


3. Citizen of Mooresville: Mooresville's current city council is having a ruinous effect on municipal finances. Since a majority of the incumbents are running for reelection, I am going to campaign against all these incumbents in the upcoming city council election. The only incumbent I will support and vote for is the one who represents my own neighborhood, because she has the experience necessary to ensure that our neighborhoods interests are served. If everyone in Mooresville would follow my example, we could substantially change the council's membership.

Assuming that each citizen of Mooresville is allowed to vote only for a city council representative from his or her own neighborhood, for the council's membership to be changed substantially, it must be true that

(A) at least some other voters in Mooresville do not make the same exception for their own incumbent in the upcoming election

(B) most of the eligible voters in Mooresville vote in the upcoming election

(C) few of the incumbents on the Mooresville city council have run for reelection in previous elections

(D) all of the seats on the Mooresville city council are filled by incumbents whose terms are expiring

(E) none of the cha1lengers in the upcoming election for seats on Mooresville's city council are better able to serve the interests of their neighborhoods than were the incumbents


21. It is very difficult to prove today that a painting done two or three hundred years ago, especially one without a signature or with a questionably authentic signature, is indubitably the work of this or that particular artist. This fact gives the traditional attribution of a disputed painting special weight, since that attribution carries the presumption of historical continuity. Consequently, an art historian arguing for a deattribution will generally convince other art historians only if he or she can persuasively argue for a specific reattribution.

Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position that the traditional attribution of a disputed painting should not have special weight?

(A) Art dealers have always been led by economic self-interest to attribute any unsigned paintings of merit to recognized masters rather than to obscure artists.

(B) When a painting is originally created, there are invariably at least some eyewitnesses who see the artist ac work, and thus questions of correct attribution cannot arise at that time.

(C) There are not always clearly discernible differences between the occasional interior work produced by a master and the very best work produced by a lesser talent.

(D) Attribution can shape perception inasmuch as certain features that would count as marks of greatness in a master's work would be counted as signs or inferior artistry if a work were attributed to a minor artist.

(E) Even though some masters had specialists assist them with certain detail work, such as depicting lace, the resulting works are properly attributed to the masters alone.


24. Dr. Ruiz: Dr. Smith has expressed outspoken antismoking views in public. Even though Dr. Smith is otherwise qualified, clearly she cannot be included on a panel that examines the danger of secondhand cigarette smoke. As an organizer of the panel, I want to ensure that the panel examines the issue in an unbiased manner before coming to any conclusion.

Which one of the following, if true, provides the strongest basis for countering Dr. Ruiz' argument that Dr. Smith should not be included on the panel?

(A) A panel composed of qualified people with strong but conflicting views on a particular topic is more likely to reach an unbiased conclusion than a panel composed of people who have kept their views, if any, private.

(B) People who hold strong views on a particular topic tend to accept new evidence on that topic only if it supports their views.

(C) A panel that includes one qualified person with publicly known strong views on a particular topic is more likely to have lively discussions than a panel that includes only people with no well-defined views on that topic.

(D) People who have expressed strong views in public on a particular topic are better at raising funds to support their case than are people who have never expressed strong views in public.

(E) People who have well-defined strong views on a particular topic prior to joining a panel are often able to impose their views on panel members who are not committed at the outset to any conclusion.



发表于 2003-5-31 21:04:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-31 22:54:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用cranberry在2003-5-31 21:04:00的发言:

发表于 2003-5-31 23:18:00 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-31 23:20:00 | 只看该作者
天啊,T24 ,是我没看清题意,是counter 卢斯 的观点,我做反了,真是不好意思。对不起啊。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-31 23:27:52编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-31 23:25:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用cranberry在2003-5-31 23:18:00的发言:

可是,most 的意思是大多数,>50%,这是必然的,会当选。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-31 23:27:00 | 只看该作者
T21 ,A是怎么削弱结论的呢?谢谢。
发表于 2003-5-31 23:35:00 | 只看该作者

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-31 23:36:16编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-31 23:39:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用cranberry在2003-5-31 23:35:00的发言:

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-31 23:36:16编辑过]


发表于 2003-5-31 23:45:00 | 只看该作者
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