67. A compelling optical illusion called the illusion of velocity and size makes objects appear to be moving more slowly the larger the objects are.Therefore,a motorist's estimate of the time available for crossing a highway with a small car approaching is bound to be lower than It would be with a large truck approaching. The conclusion above would be more properly drawn if it were made clear that the . (A) truck's speed is assumed to be lower than the car's (B) truck's speed is assumed to be the same as the car's (C) truck's speed is assumed to be higher than the car's (D) motorist's estimate of time available is assumed to be more accurate with cars approaching than with trucks approaching (E) motorist's estimate of time available is assumed to be more accurate with trucks approaching than with cars approaching 这题的答案是B.就各选项本身而言, 没有太大的问题. 但觉得题目本身是不是还有其它漏洞? 因为题干中说的是两种情况, 看起来都是一个相向而行的相遇问题. 只要一方的速度(看似)增加, 估计所需的时间就会变短. 而结论说的是a motorist's estimate of the time for crossing a highway, 两种情况下motorist自己的驾驶速度是不是保持不变呢? 题目没有说. 完全有可能的是, with a small car approaching的时候, motorist自己的速度更快, 从而造成感觉上时间变短. |