支持2楼的, 其实这道题目根本就是OG10里边的, 如果楼主有心想提问, 也应该先翻翻以前的帖子, 看前人留下的经验,比你自己在这里开个帖子, 然后苦苦等待大家来回答你快多了 还有,即使要发贴, 请注意 发贴的规范, 没头没脑的写个"GMAT题" , 让以后的人怎么来搜索呢? 比如这道题目是 OG10-61, 或者PREP 45. (33087-!-item-!-188;#058&007558) |
更何况,楼主这里只是贴了题目, 也没有写出自己的想法, 又让别人怎么来帮你呢? 我在这里贴一下OG10 的解释, 请你看看, 如果还有问题, 那么请针对性的提问 61. The argument assumes that a particular predict can cause a currency decline only if accompanied by a large budget deficit. Since choice D states that this prediction can cause a currency decline without a large budget deficit, choice D is the best answer.
That a method is not fully implemented does not imply that the method is ineffective. Thus, choice A is inappropriate. Since no slowdown in economic growth is asserted, what might cause such a slowdown is irrelevant. Thus, choice B is inappropriate. Since C supports the claim that a budget deficit is the underlying cause of the currency decline, C is inappropriate. Choice E is inappropriate because it supports the claim that a decrease in the budget deficit is necessary.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-30 12:00:07编辑过] |