我这里有个更简单易懂的方法,大家听听看。 逻辑讲究evidence和conclusion , 解题点就是这句话: pointing out that the airbags would prevent only a small percentage of serious injuries because in most accidents, serious injuries can be avoided by the use of seatbelts. 分析: evidence 是 the airbags would prevent only a small percentage of serious injuries conclusion是 in most accidents, serious injuries can be avoided by the use of seatbelts。 中文说一下, “airbags 起很小的作用”是一个事实。 根据这个事实厂商推出的结论,既“airbags没作用的原因是使用安全带可以避免”。 注意厂商这个结论的推出是要基于一个假设条件的,既发生事故的时候,人们正在使用安全带。如果不使用,既假设条件不存在,则推论不成立。 所以最直接的weaken就是推翻这个没有说出来的,厂商认为的前提假设 既 Most serious injuries occur when front seat passengers are not wearing their seatbelts.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-9 14:17:26编辑过] |