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求助:hard sell/soft sellGWD题目及答案

发表于 2008-4-13 21:09:00 | 只看该作者

求助:hard sell/soft sellGWD题目及答案

发表于 2008-4-13 22:51:00 | 只看该作者


1.        GWD-31-Q5-Q8 两种策略hard-sellsoft-sell的优缺点

A key decision required of advertising managers is whether a “hard-sell” or “soft-sell” strategy is appropriate for a specific target market. The hard-sell approach involves the use of direct, forceful claims regarding the benefits of the advertised brand over competitors’ offerings. In contrast, the soft-sell approach involves the use of advertising claims that imply superiority more subtly.

One positive aspect of the hard-sell approach is its use of very simple and straightforward product claims presented claims (?) presented as explicit conclusions, with little room for confusion regarding the advertiser’s message. However, some consumers may resent being told what to believe and some may distrust the message. Resentment and distrust often lead to counterargumentation and to boomerang effects where consumers come to believe conclusions diametrically opposed to conclusions endorsed in advertising claims. By contrast, the risk of boomerang erects is greatly reduced with soft-sell approaches. One way to implement the soft-sell approach is to provide information that implies the main conclusions the advertiser wants the consumer to draw, but leave the conclusions themselves unstated. Because consumers are invited to make up their own minds, implicit conclusions reduce the risk of resentment, distrust, and counterargumentation.

(Line 43) Recent research on consumer memory and judgment suggests another advantage of implicit conclusions. Beliefs or (form?) conclusions that are self-generated are more accessible from memory than beliefs from conclusions provided explicitly by other individuals, and thus have a greater impact on judgment and decision making. Moreover, self-generated beliefs are often perceived as more accurate and valid than the beliefs of others, because other individuals may be perceived as less less (?) knowledgeable, or may be perceived as manipulative or deliberately misleading.

Despite these advantages, implicit conclusions may mot always be more effective than explicit conclusions. One risk is that some consumers may fail to draw their own conclusions and thus miss the point of the message. Inferential activity is likely only when consumers are motivated and able to engage in effortful cognitive processes. Another risk is that some consumers may draw conclusions other than the one intended. Even if inferential activity is likely, there is no guarantee that consumers will follow the path provided by the advertiser. Finally, a third risk is that consumers may infer the intended conclusion but question the validity of their inference.



5: The primary purpose of the passage is to

A: point out the risks involved in the use of a particular advertising strategy

B: make a case or the superiority of one advertising strategy over another

C: illustrate the ways in which two advertising strategies may be implemented

D: present the advantages and disadvantages of two advertising strategies

E: contrast the types of target markets for which two advertising strategies are appropriate 


6: it can be inferred from the passage that the research mentioned in line 43 (Recent research on consumer memory and judgment) supports which of the following statements?

A: implicit conclusions are more likely to capture accurately the point of the advertiser’s message than are explicit conclusions.

B: Counterargument action is less likely to occur if an individual’s beliefs or conclusions are readily accessible from memory.

C: The hard-sell approach results in conclusions that are more difficult for the consumer to recall than are conclusions resulting from the soft-sell approach.

D: When the beliefs of others are presented as definite and forceful claims, they are perceived to be as accurate as self-generated beliefs.

E: Despite the advantages of implicit conclusions, the hard-sell approach involves fewer risks for the advertiser than does the soft-sell approach.

Beliefs or (form?) conclusions that are self-generated are more accessible from memory than beliefs from conclusions provided explicitly by other individuals


7: It can be inferred from the passage that one situation in which the boomerang effect often occurs is when consumers

A: have been exposed to forceful claims that are diametrically opposed to those in an advertiser’s message

B: have previous self-generated beliefs or conclusions that are readily accessible from memory

C: are subjected to advertising messages that are targeted at specific markets to which those consumers do not belong

D: are confused regarding the point of the advertiser’s message

E: come to view the advertiser’s message with suspicion

第二段hard-sell的主要缺点。However, some consumers may resent being told what to believe and some may distrust the message. Resentment and distrust often lead to counterargumentation and to boomerang effects where consumers come to believe conclusions diametrically opposed to conclusions endorsed in advertising claims. 这道题目A是个陷阱,一定要注意。


8: It can be inferred from the passage that advertisers could reduce one of the risks discussed in the last paragraph if they were able to provide

A: motivation for consumers to think about the advertisement’s message

B: information that implies the advertiser’s intended conclusion but leaves that conclusion unstated

C: subtle evidence that the advertised product is superior to that of competitors

D: information comparing the advertised product with its competitors

E: opportunity for consumers to generate their own beliefs or conclusions

Inferential activity is likely only when consumers are motivated and able to engage in effortful cognitive processes.

发表于 2008-4-14 01:03:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-14 15:59:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-16 16:57:00 | 只看该作者


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