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发表于 2008-4-3 17:15:00 | 只看该作者



1.     一篇是说argument型的广告和emotional型的广告各自对那种市场有用,各自有什么副作用。文章比较简单,两段各说一种类型的广告。

2.      关键词 vertical 种植
有什么6000 9000 12000 关键就是高地种植植被什么的

3.     nationalism feminenism 那篇,不同的nationalism会对feminenism有不同的影响。

发表于 2008-4-3 17:39:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2008-4-3 17:56:00 | 只看该作者




发表于 2008-4-3 18:16:00 | 只看该作者


1.      GWD-9-Q4 -Q7印加高地居民的生态农垦圈

By the sixteenth century, the Incas                16世纪时,南美印加人统治着沿着太

of South America ruled an empire that             平洋延伸,从今天的厄瓜多尔到智利

extended along the Pacific coast and               中部的安第斯高地的一个帝国。

Line  Andean highlands from what is now

(5)    Ecuador to central Chile. While most        虽然大部分印加人是自给自足的农

of the Incas were self-sufficient                    业户,居住于高地盆地9000尺以

agriculturists, the inhabitants of the                  上的人民可种的农作物是有限的。

highland basins above 9,000 feet were

constrained by the kinds of crops they

(10)   could cultivate. Whereas 95 percent         虽然95%的安第斯首要食物可以在

of the principal Andean food crops can              3000尺以下垦殖,只有20%可以在

be cultivated below 3,000 feet, only                 9000尺以上存活。

20 percent reproduce readily above

9,000 feet. Given this unequal                     面对不平衡的资源分配,高地印加

(15)   resource distribution, highland Incas         人为了扩充他们食物的种类和数量,

needed access to the products of                   需要得到低暖地区的产品。

lower, warmer climatic zones in order

to enlarge the variety and quantity of

their foodstuffs. In most of the prein-               在大部分的前工业化社会,资源配置

(20)   dustrial world, the problem of different       差异的问题是通过终端消费者极难

resource distribution was resolved by              控制的远距离贸易网络解决的。

long-distance trade networks over

which the end consumer exercised

little control.
            Although the peoples

(25)   of the Andean highlands participated         络,他们还是主要依靠维护尽量多

in such networks, they relied primarily              的生态区域里的自治生产力量。

on the maintenance of autonomous

production forces in as many ecological

zones as possible. The                              区域所产的商品被提炼加工运送,

(30)   commodities produced in these               这些全部由一个单独团体的成员

zones were extracted, processed,                    去做。

and transported entirely by members

of a single group.提出问题及解决方案


This strategy of direct access                        这种由一个单独团体直接掌握最

(35)   to a maximum number of ecological          多的生态区域的策略叫做垂直经

zones by a single group is called                     济。

vertical economy. Even today,                       时至今天,你可以看到安第斯社区

one can see Andean communities                   同时保持着12000尺以上牧场,

maintaining use rights simultaneously                9000尺以上盆地薯田,及6000

(40)   to pasturelands above 12,000 feet, to         以下温暖农地的使用权力。

potato fields in basins over 9,000 feet,

and to plots of warm-land crops in

regions below 6,000 feet. This                       这个策略有两个主要变量。

strategy has two principal variations.

(45)   The first is “compressed verticality,”         第一个叫扁平垂直,即一个独立村

in which a single village resides in                   庄住在容易控制附近生态区的地方。

a location that permits easy access

to closely located ecological zones.

Different crop zones or pasturelands                 不同的农业区域或牧场与父系社区

(50)   are located within a few days walk of         都近在咫尺。

the parent community. Community                  社区成员可能临时住在其中一个低

members may reside temporarily                    的区域以管理家里无法获得的产品

in one of the lower zones to manage                 的提炼。

the extraction of products unavailable

(55)   in the homeland. In the second variation,      第二个叫垂直群岛,即村庄在广泛

called the “vertical archipelago,”                    分布的地方开发资源,构建一系列

the village exploits resources in widely                独立的生产“岛屿”。

dispersed locations, constituting a

series of independent production

(60)  “islands.” In certain pre-Columbian            

Inca societies, groups were sent from               

the home territory to establish permanent           

satellite communities or colonies                    

in distant tropical forests or coastal

(65)   locations. There the colonists grew          

crops and extracted products for their           

own use and for transshipment back

to their high-altitude compatriots.

In contrast to the compressed                    

(70)   verticality system, in this system,            

commodities rather than people

circulated through the archipelago.具体介绍解决方案


According to the passage, which of the following is true about the preindustrial long distance trade networks mentioned in line 22 ?


A. They were not used extensively in most of the preindustrial world.

B. They were used to some extent by the people of the Andean highlands.

In most of the preindustrial world, the problem of different
resource distribution was resolved by
long-distance trade networks over
which the end consumer exercised
little control.

C. They were not an effective means of solving the problem of different resource distribution.文中没有,自己推出来的

D. They necessitated the establishment of permanent satellite communities in widely dispersed locations.

E. They were useful only for the transportation of products from warm climatic zones.



According to the passage, the inhabitants of the Andean highlands resolved the problem of unequal resource distribution primarily in which of the following ways?


A. Following self-sufficient agricultural practices

B. Increasing commodity production from the ecological zones in the highland basins

C. Increasing their reliance on long-distance trade networks

D. Establishing satellite communities throughout the Andean highlands

E. Establishing production forces in ecological zones beyond their parent communities

While most
of the Incas were self-sufficient

they relied primarily
on the maintenance of autonomous
production forces in as many ecological
zones as possible.




The passage suggests that as a way of addressing the problem of different resource distribution in the preindustrial world, the practice of vertical economy differed from the use of long-distance trade networks in that vertical economy allowed


A. commodities to reach the end consumer faster

B. a wide variety of agricultural goods to reach the end consumer

C. a single group to maintain control over the production process

D. greater access to commodities from lower, warmer climatic zones

E. greater use of self-sufficient agricultural techniques

This strategy of direct access
to a maximum number of ecological

zones by a single group is called
vertical economy.


The passage suggests that for an Andean highland village attempting to resolve the problem of unequal resource distribution, the strategy known as compressed verticality would probably be inappropriate for which of the following situations?


A. The village’s location is such that it is difficult for the village to participate in long-distance trade networks.

B. The village does not have the resources to establish permanent satellite communities in production zones beyond the home community.

C. The warm-land crop regions nearest to the village are all below 6,000 feet.

D. The location of the village does not provide ready access to an adequate variety of ecological zones.

E. The nearest crop production zones are located below the village, while the nearest pasturelands are located above the village.

The first is “compressed verticality,”
in which a single village resides in
a location that permits easy access
to closely located ecological zones.


发表于 2008-4-3 18:16:00 | 只看该作者




[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-3 18:23:19编辑过]
发表于 2008-4-3 19:27:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ximenxiao1在2008-4-3 17:56:00的发言:




发表于 2008-4-3 20:58:00 | 只看该作者


因為soft-sell比較情感,hard-sell比較argue!!!maybe...I guess...


     A key decision required of advertising managers is whether a “hard-sell” or “soft-sell” strategy is appropriate for a specific target market. The hard-sell approach involves the use of direct, forceful claims regarding the benefits of the advertised brand over competitors’ offerings. In contrast, the soft-sell approach involves the use of advertising claims that imply superiority more subtly.

     One positive aspect of the hard-sell approach is its use of very simple and straightforward product claims presented as explicit conclusions, with little room for confusion regarding the advertiser’s message. However, some consumers may resent being told what to believe and some may distrust the message. Resentment and distrust often lead to counterargumentation and to
            boomerang effects where consumers come to believe conclusions diametrically opposed to conclusions endorsed in advertising claims. By contrast, the risk of boomerang erects is greatly reduced with soft-sell approaches. One way to implement the soft-sell approach is to provide information that implies the main conclusions the advertiser wants the consumer to draw, but leave the conclusions themselves unstated. Because consumers are invited to make up their own minds, implicit conclusions reduce the risk of resentment, distrust, and counterargumentation.

       Recent research on consumer memory and judgment suggests another advantage of implicit conclusions. Beliefs or conclusions that are self-generated are more accessible from memory than beliefs from conclusions provided explicitly by other individuals, and thus have a greater impact on judgment and decision making. Moreover, self-generated beliefs are often perceived as more accurate and valid than the beliefs of others, because other individuals may be perceived as less knowledgeable, or may be perceived as manipulative or deliberately misleading.

     Despite these advantages, implicit conclusions may not always be more effective than explicit conclusions. One risk is that some consumers may fail to draw their own conclusions and thus miss the point of the message. Inferential activity is likely only when consumers are motivated and able to engage in effortful cognitive processes. Another risk is that some consumers may draw conclusions other than the one intended. Even if inferential activity is likely, there is no guarantee that consumers will follow the path provided by the advertiser. Finally, a third risk is that consumers may infer the intended conclusion but question the validity of their inference.


5: The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.          point out the risks involved in the use of a particular advertising strategy

B.          make a case or the superiority of one advertising strategy over another

C.          illustrate the ways in which two advertising strategies may be implemented

D.          present the advantages and disadvantages of two advertising strategies

E.           contrast the types of target markets for which two advertising strategies are appropriate


6: It can be inferred from the passage that the research mentioned in line 43 (Recent research on consumer memory and judgment) supports which of the following statements?

A.          implicit conclusions are more likely to capture accurately the point of the advertiser’s message than are explicit conclusions.

B.          Counterargument action is less likely to occur if an individual’s beliefs or conclusions are readily accessible from memory.

C.          The hard-sell approach results in conclusions that are more difficult for the consumer to recall than are conclusions resulting from the soft-sell approach.

D.          When the beliefs of others are presented as definite and forceful claims, they are perceived to be as accurate as self-generated beliefs.

E.           Despite the advantages of implicit conclusions, the hard-sell approach involves fewer risks for the advertiser than does the soft-sell approach.


7: It can be inferred from the passage that one situation in which the boomerang effect often occurs is when consumers


A.          have been exposed to forceful claims that are diametrically opposed to those in an advertiser’s message

B.          have previous self-generated beliefs or conclusions that are readily accessible from memory

C.          are subjected to advertising messages that are targeted at specific markets to which those consumers do not belong

D.          are confused regarding the point of the advertiser’s message

E.           come to view the advertiser’s message with suspicion[Sivi3] 


8: It can be inferred from the passage that advertisers could reduce one of the risks discussed in the last paragraph if they were able to provide

A.          motivation for consumers to think about the advertisement’s message

B.          information that implies the advertiser’s intended conclusion but leaves that conclusion unstated

C.          subtle evidence that the advertised product is superior to that of competitors

D.          information comparing the advertised product with its competitors

E.           opportunity for consumers to generate their own beliefs or conclusions


发表于 2008-4-3 22:44:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-4 01:04:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2008-4-4 03:13:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用huangyh03在2008-4-3 22:44:00的发言:

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