刚刚找了一下, 在逻辑大全里归纳了 LSAT的题目, 但是在相关的讨论连接帖子里却找不到关于LSAT的题目的讨论, 大家都还做 LAST 的题目吗? 我不知道该怎么问这一题,看得我懵懵懂懂的,问都不知道从哪里问起,想从大家的讨论帖里找一点思绪,可惜没有找到,如果大家以前看过这个题目,请大家把相关的链接给我吧? 谢谢大家了 24. No mathematical proposition can be proven true by observation. It follows that it is impossible to know any mathematical proposition to be true. The conclusion follows logically if which one of the following is assumed? (A) Only propositions that can be proven true can be known to be true. (B) Observation alone cannot be used to prove the truth of any proposition. (C) If a proposition can be proven true by observation then it can be known to be true. (D) Knowing a proposition to be true is impossible only if it cannot be prove true by observation.(E) (E) Knowing a proposition to be true requires proving it true by observation. 请大家帮帮我,谢谢了 这一题是大全里LSAT题中, test 21 sectionll部分 24题,谢谢大家, |