以下是引用realliquan在2008-1-10 21:33:00的发言:钱相当的少 可以选的上Loreal MT都是学校的牛人吧 因为竞争还是很激烈的 但是进去以后 你会发现这不是一个很好的企业 具体我也不是很清楚 因为我本人不是Loreal的 但是我的朋友当年也是MT 做了5年 年薪8万都不到 很多公司都有自己的MT项目 Loreal的真的不能和联合礼花 保洁之类的比 而且觉得企业文化不是很好 貌似里面还有很多假洋鬼子 明明是土生土张的中国人 非说自己是法国人。。。 不能多说了 酱紫 Thanks. But I think your information may be a little biased. The basic salary this year for marketing MT is the same as that of entry level staff in Big Four. It also offers fresh graduates start-off bonus, meal allowances, yearly bonus and performance bonus. Not to mention the actual number of the first year salary in L'Oreal, but I think there must be something wrong with the number from your friend. And salary is not the main reason I make the choice between those three options, so would you give me some additional suggestions? Thanks again. |