Last Sunday a certain store sold copies of Newspaper A for $1.00 each and copies of Newspaper B for $1.25 each, and the store sold no other newspapers that day. If r percent of the store’s revenues from newspaper sales was from Newspaper A and if p percent of the newspapers that the store sold were copies of newspaper A, which of the following expresses r in terms of p? 题目意:某个商店只卖2种报纸,A报纸每份1元,B报纸每份1.25元,假设R%的商店收入来自A报纸的收入和P%的报纸卖的是报纸A,求用P来表示R ==因为商店只有2分报纸,那么设商店一共有x份报纸,那么P%x=A报纸的量,(1-p%)x=B报纸的量 收入=A报纸的收入+B报纸的收入 A报纸收入=p%x*1 B报纸的收入=(1-p%)*1.25 所以R%*(P%x*1+(1-p%)*1.25)=p%x*1 换算一下就可以啦。。。