Ai: Powerful business man has more opportnities to impact on courses of a company or community than government official.
AA:Average, Middle-aged people contribute 39 percent sales of revenue, and young people only contribute 20 percent. 所以公司决定把调整商品更吸引那些中年人。 这个题目好像上个月的JJ里看到过。应该一样的。
数学开始的都不难,到最后33开始都是DS的题目了。 1.算年份的那个题目,看到之前有人写出来了,就不重复了。 2.矩阵题,答案是X=8的那个题目。 3.也是矩阵题目,B*C=3, A*B=E(or X in my case), A*D=F(F = 10 in my case), D*C=F(or Y in my case).的那道。 第27题。 4还有一个看大家好像没有遇上: 有两只小象,T和S,4年前,T的年龄比S大4岁,5years from now, T的年龄是S的4倍,问:T和S的年龄差距是多少? 答案不记得了,不过要小心年份的表达。
Today Rose is twice as old as Sam and Sam is 3 years younger than Tina. If Rose, Sam, and Tina are all alive 4 years from today, which of the following must be true on that day?