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考前请教两题PP3.2 逻辑

发表于 2007-6-15 20:32:00 | 只看该作者

考前请教两题PP3.2 逻辑

16.  (26678-!-item-!-188;#058&003277)


When an airplane is taken out of service for maintenance, it is often repainted as well, and during the repainting no other maintenance work can be done on the plane.  In order to reduce maintenance time, airline officials are considering using a new nontoxic plastic film instead of paint.  The film takes just as long to apply as paint does, but many other maintenance tasks can be carried out at the same time.


Which of the following, if true, is further evidence that using the film will help the airline officials achieve their goal?


(A) Unlike paint, the film gives a milky tone to certain colors.

(B) At the end of its useful life, the film can be removed much more quickly than paint can.

(C) The film can be applied only by technicians who have received special training.

(D) The metal exteriors of airplanes have to be protected from high temperatures and caustic chemicals such as exhaust gases.

(E) Even at speeds considerably higher than the normal speed of a passenger jet, the film remains securely attached.

Answer is B.

24.  (29155-!-item-!-188;#058&003857)


Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually any nonflying insect.  However, when running toward an insect, the beetles intermittently stop, and then, a moment later, resume their attack.  Perhaps they cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment's rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.


Which of the following, if discovered in experiments using artificially moved prey insects, would support one of the two hypotheses and undermine the other?


(B) In pursuing a moving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insect's direction, and pause equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline.


(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee, the beetle increases its speed after its next pause.


Answer is c 个人观点是B:c是赞成2个了,不懂

发表于 2007-6-16 11:26:00 | 只看该作者

16.To reduce maintenance time is the officials' goal, so B is correct

24. hypothesis A: stop to rest

    hypothesis B: too fast to see anything, so have to stop

opt B: immediately to changes in the insect's direction,说明是看得见的

       pause equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline 无论上坡还是下坡,停止频率一样,说明不是跑步动


opt C:a fixed time interval between pauses,每次跑一样的时间,如果速度不变,那么说明这段fixed time正好导致它失明,(因为跑步动而停下的时间间隔不会fixed)我不知道那个although跟句子的哪一部分,不过也怎么它看不见,因为它的猎物要跑的时候,它还停着不动,试想有人抢你皮包,你即使跑步动了也不会停在那里吧?呵呵

发表于 2007-6-16 11:37:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-13 16:44:00 | 只看该作者
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