大全-I-20A light bulb company produces 2,000 light bulbs per week. The manager wants to ensure that standards of quality remain constant from week to week. The manager, therefore, claims that out of 2,000 light bulbs produced per week, 500 light bulbs are rejected. Of the following, the best criticism of the manager’s plan is that the plan assumes that (A) light bulb manufacturers cannot accept all light bulbs that produced (B) the overall quality of the light bulbs would not be improved if the total number of light bulbs produced were reduced (C) each light bulb that is reviewed is worthy of being reviewed (D) it is difficult to judge the quality of a light bulb(E) (E) the 1,500 light bulbs that are accepted will be of the same quality from week to week 我就是不明白,manager从2000个灯泡中拒掉500个和保证质量有什么关系?出多少废品就拒绝多少,这不就好了吗,为什么非要规定500个?那如果出了600个废品,他就把剩下的100个当成是好的接受吗?这样的话,1500个里面还是有100个是劣质的,由怎么能保证质量的standard呢? |