A medieval manuscript called L contains all eighteen extant tragedies by the Greek playwright Euripides. Of these, ten called the “select plays,” are accompanied in L by ancient commentaries and also appear in other medieval manuscripts; this group includes some of Euripides’ best-known works, including the Medea. The other eight, which appear in alphabetical order, without commentary. The Electra is one of the alphabeticals.
Which of the following can be reliably concluded on the basis of the Statements given?
A.Only Euripides’ best-known works are accompanied by ancient commentaries in extant medieval manuscripts.
B.The select plays are accompanied by ancient commentaries because they were the best known of Euripides’ works.
C.No commentaries were written about Euripides’ Electra in ancient times.
D.Euripides’ Medea never appears in medieval manuscripts unaccompanied by ancient commentary.
E.Euripides’ Electra does not appear accompanied by a commentary in any extant medieval manuscript.
E正确!(耐心看完之后欢迎探讨) 18个stragedies被分成了2个部分: 10个“Select Plays”, 有评论,2~9个是best-known(因为原句中说SP 中包括了some of Euripides’ best-known works),其中有一个是Medea 8个按字母顺序排列,无评论,其中有一个是Electra。 A选项说Best known有评论×。因为best-known works≠10个“select plays”中的全部works。 B选项说因为他们是best known works,所以这些works有评论。同A,best-known works≠10个“select plays”中的全部works。另外,假设B正确,S P中不是bestknown,但有评论的work要如何解释呢?而且原文中也没有这样的因果联系。 D选项说Medea一出现,必有评论。因为原文告诉你也在其他手稿中出现(also appear in other medieval manuscripts),但其他手稿中是不是有评论原文没有说。错误。 ABD的错误很明显。 最后来比较一下C和E,这两个选项中说纷纭。以下是我的一点看法。 因为SP中明确告诉你那10个也在其他的手稿中出现,而这8个却没有说是否在其他手稿中出现。 假设1:这8 个在其他的手稿中出现,那么 C 选项说in ancient times,Electra没有评论。在其他手稿出现不确定有没有评论。 E 选项说Electra在任何中世纪的手稿中只要出现必然没评论。同C,在其他手稿出现不确定有没有评论。 假设2:这8个在其他的手稿中没有出现过,那么 C选项说in ancient times,Electra没有评论。Ancient times≠medieval ages,范围被扩大了。中世纪没有评论不代表在其他的世纪没有评论。所以错误。 E选项说Electra在任何中世纪的手稿中只要出现必然没评论。很显然,这8个在其他的手稿中没出现过,题干又明确告诉你without commentary,所以一定没有评论。E正确!