RT我经历阅读以来最惨不忍睹的一次 最近阅读有点郁闷,现在练习套路读文做题,发现做的越慢的文章错的越多,也就是文章把握得越不好。哪位nn给点指点 拿那篇关于hydrothermal vent fauna与相关food supplies文章来说 我首先读各段首句: 看第一段先是讲深海动物分布,紧接着一个however我继续看,说hydrothermal vent(PM)附近很多甲壳动物。看完第一段认为文章讲的是HV的 生物。[估计是现象解释型] 看第二段首句说大多说深海动物依靠particulate matter(PM),知道这种PM好像根光合作用有关,然后紧接着又一个however我又继续看第二句 ,说维持HV的动物群的食物要比ordinary fallout(提炼成普通的F不知道什么意思)多好多。[估计文章大概是说HV生物和食物的关系] 然后看第三段首句一个however一个difficulties一个interpretation[确定文章是现象解释型:到这个时候才确定是不是太晚了?]估计这段是 说针对对前一段的解释引出的什么困难。 最后一段看到一个nonetheless一个advection[不知道哪里蹦出来的新名词,前几段首句没出现过]是个alternative食物资源,估计在第二段说 事物的时候有出现。也估计作者最推崇这种观点。 到此用了2分钟,我知道文章是现象解释型,大概讲的是hv动物获取一些食物,看看哪个比较适合的问题。TS没找到。 然后浏览第二段(第一段2句开始已读),说2种HV动物可能的营养源bacterial chemosynthesis(BC)和advection(A),细节描述没看。随后给 出一些支持intense local chemosynthesis(ILC)的证据,看冒号、分号小列举取舍提取名词hydrogen sulfide(HS),vent-site bacteria(V-S B),large concentration(什么东西的大面积集中),紧接着看到结论hence说BC提供HV食物链,然后是原因(没看)。 KW~BC 浏览第三段For example举例取舍没看提取名词sedentary organisms(SO)紧接着说BC不充分[第一个困难]。接着another,引号留意,说什么类 似深海的大种群在smoker被发现(解释没看),下句说such heat看了一眼上面的解释提到个350度。看后面出现个unless然后又有个however发 现后半段还不能舍,直接看转折,说SO事实上以什么bacteria为食,后面不管了 KW~困难 最后一段直接看Thus说A能提供好多食物,后面in addition不管了。 KW~A 到此共用了7分钟,开始看题 第一题问文章要回答什么问题,判断主题题,答案估计是说哪种食物渠道好,看选项发现没有慌了,而且觉得哪个都不对,结果看文章没找到 ,更慌,耽误好几分钟,蒙了一个B结果错了 第二题题型感觉像直接事实又像信息(这两种题如果不是很明显的区分,老分不出来)问大部分不在风口的深海动物的特征,想起二段首句说 大部分深海动物以PM为生,没什么特征,又慌,看到B好像和文章差不多,文章就说even sparser distribution of large animals,对了。 第三提主题题没什么问题 第四题问BC的缺陷,定位三段举例,A other排除 B HS排除 C 无 D mineral排除 E incapable无 慌,无奈蒙了E结果错 第五题问哪个支持HV需要比普通F多好多食物,慌,好像没看到过原因,找了半天没找到,随便蒙了一个结果错 第六题举例作用题没问题 第七题问PM的问题 在第二段找了半天,没找到,看文章又耽误了大量时间结果在最后一段发现PM,但没找到PM的属性,慌死,蒙了一个A结果 又错,本来感觉读文章很顺,方法觉得用的也挺好,后来做题竟然花了30分钟,而且只对了3个,我现在觉得自信心受到了严重的打击。 我的问题出在什么地方? 谢谢,非常感谢 (This passage is excerpted from an article that was published in 1981.) The deep sea typically has a sparse fauna dominated by tiny worms and crustaceans, with an even sparser distribution of larger animals. However, near hydrothermal (hydrothermal: adj.热水的, 热液的) vents, areas of the ocean where warm water emerges from subterranean sources, live remarkable densities of huge clams, blind crabs, and fish. Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter (particulate matter: 颗粒物质), ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling from above. The food supplies necessary to sustain the large vent communities, however, must be many times the ordinary fallout. The first reports describing vent faunas proposed two possible sources of nutrition: bacterial chemosynthesis, production of food by bacteria using energy derived from chemical changes, and advection, the drifting of food materials from surrounding regions. Later, evidence in support of the idea of intense local chemosynthesis was accumulated: hydrogen sulfide was found in vent water; many vent-site bacteria were found to be capable of chemosynthesis; and extremely large concentrations of bacteria were found in samples of vent water thought to be pure. This final observation seemed decisive. If such astonishing concentrations of bacteria were typical of vent outflow, then food within the vent would dwarf any contribution from advection. Hence, the widely quoted conclusion was reached that bacterial chemosynthesis provides the foundation for hydrothermal-vent food chains—an exciting prospect because no other communities on Earth are independent of photosynthesis. There are, however, certain difficulties with this interpretation. For example, some of the large sedentary organisms associated with vents are also found at ordinary deep-sea temperatures many meters from the nearest hydrothermal sources. This suggests that bacterial chemosynthesis is not a sufficient source of nutrition for these creatures. Another difficulty is that similarly dense populations of large deep-sea animals have been found in the proximity of “smokers”—vents where water emerges at temperatures up to 350℃. No bacteria can survive such heat, and no bacteria were found there. Unless smokers are consistently located near more hospitable warm-water vents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fraction of the vent faunas. It is conceivable, however, that these large, sedentary organisms do in fact feed on bacteria that grow in warm -water vents, rise in the vent water, and then rain in (rain in: 涌进, 纷纷而至) peripheral areas to nourish animals living some distance from the warm-water vents. |