還有一道什麼鋅口服藥水的weaken題. Though sucking zinc lozenges has been promoted as a treatment for the common cold, research has revealed no consistent effect. Recently, however, a zinc gel applied nasally has been shown to greatly reduce the duration of colds. Since the gel contains zinc in the same form and concentration as the lozenges, the greater effectiveness of the gel must be due to the fact that cold viruses tend to concentrate in the nose, not the mouth.
In order to evaluate the argument, it would be most helpful to determine which of the following?
A. Whether zinc is effective only against colds, or also has an effect on other virally caused diseases B. Whether there are remedies that do not contain zinc but that, when taken orally, can reduce the duration of colds C. Whether people who frequently catch colds have a zinc deficiency D. Whether either the zinc gel or the lozenges contain ingredients that have an impact on the activity of the zinc E. Whether the zinc gel has an effect on the severity of cold symptoms, as well as on their duration Weaken: the zinc gel or the lozenges contain ingredients that have an impact on the activity of the zinc ◎有一道問assumption說銀和銅被用於以前鑄幣,後來人們用的銀少了,但政府卻在表面塗滿銀以魚目混珠.我選挖掘出來的幣不會因為年代久遠而減少表面的銀.(判斷問的是假設題)
◎有一題是gwd的,說一個company 的很多head 要退休了,會怎麼樣之類的,應該能夠找到~ V公司的挺多部門的HEAD要退休了,但有資格升任部門HEAD的人大約占空缺的一半左右。因為V公司既不會從外部聘請請的部門HEAD,也不會讓同一人擔任好幾個部門的HEAD,這樣看來,V公司有部分部門HEAD一職將會空缺無人,SINCE(填空)。 我選了“V公司不會委派資深人士(即比部門HEAD的官還要大的人)來當部門HEAD”(存疑...提供者可能選下一題答案A) Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A significant number of Qualitex Corporation’s department heads are due to retire this year. The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex is not going to hire department heads from outside the company(前提一) or have current department heads take over more than one department(前提二), so some departments will be without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.
- promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions(已含在題幹考慮...故無關)
- raises the salary for department heads
- reduces the number of new employees it hires next year
- reduces the average number of employees per department
- reduces the number of its departments(前提三)
[版本1]department head. a lot of department heads would retire while the number of qualified person for new head is only half of the posts, which results in the shortage of heads. Many departments of the company will have no head for the company。Assumption: I choose "will not change the policy for recruit new head"(前提四) 干擾選項:E:公司不會因為其他的原因推遲退休計畫
由以上看出總共四種假設…..ETS無所遁形… ◎某種病的疫苗,在實驗是否會導致感染此病.在猴子身上試,未成年的注射後,6個月後會生病.成年的不會.由於猴子和人的感染和傳染方式一樣,所以可以推出,成年人用這個疫苗是安全的.問WEAKEN A.感染這種病的在發病之前不傳染別人. B.這種病在沒發病前沒有明顯的現象. C.這個病如果不是因為疫苗注射而是普通自己發展出來的話,也是(也可能是不是,記不清楚了)同樣6個月的發病時間. 應該是選錯誤類比的答案~~~像老鼠能忍受多少煤氣那題….不能套用到人身上
更新 某种病的疫苗,在实验是否会导致感染此病.在猴子身上试,未成年的注射后,6个月后会生病.成年的不会.由于猴子和人的感染和传染方式一样,所以可以推出,成年人用这个疫苗是安全的.问得出该结论的假定是什么? A.感染这种病的在发病之前不传染别人. B.这种病在没发病前没有明显的现象. C.这个病如果不是因为疫苗注射而是普通自己发展出来的话,也是(也可能是不是,记不清楚了)同样6个月的发病时间. 我记得有一个选项是说该病的发布期是在6个月以内,我就选的这个。。应该是对的吧 ◎政府為了減少overfish, introduce a quota,但是這種方法不行,因為人們會只要價值高的魚,不值錢的扔回去。
◎說有個吊橋,由於拉起來好讓船通過(因為它太低了,不拉起來船可能過不去),這樣老拉老拉的,可能橋上的汽車們的交通就很差。有個傢伙說啦,準備造個更高的吊橋,這樣的話就省了拉了,汽車們過起來就比較爽了。問下面哪一個最能WEAKEN這個ARGUMENT。 其中有個選項是說,橋墩加寬、橋面加高後,以前無法通過舊橋墩的大船們可能也會趕來湊熱鬧 類似題: The ctiy currently has a bridge which has to raise and open to let the boat pass through. And, the city is planing to construct a new brige which is higher than the current. Since the new bridge will not open and raise as often as before, it will reduce the traffic time. Weaken this proposal will not work
my answer is that "some boats are too wide to the poles of current bridge". my logic reasoing is that the propasl only raises the bridge hieight but not make it wide. The new brige will have the same problem as current one. 變型題參考 ㊣以港口準備新建一吊橋還是拉索橋之類的,因為現在的這個,太窄,為了讓更寬的船能利用港口的深水碼頭,要新建的橋的橋洞寬度增加(WIDER SPAN),問以下哪個證明新的橋不能解決擁擠的問題。就選了個A,說當船通過新橋時,仍然要先發出信號,然後等一小時等橋張開。其他選項有說是現在很多重量級的船不能停靠,因為現在的橋太窄了,明顯是加強地說。
㊣有一座吊橋, 有船過的時候升起來,現在為瞭解決交通問題,打算重建一座新的大橋,能讓給多的車輛通行,這作新的大橋的跨度很大,有橋墩支撐的拱橋高度足夠絕大多數的船隻通行。問這個計畫不可能實現的原因。 答:絕大多數船隻的寬度大於橋墩之間的寬度。
㊣有一座中間會打開的橋,市長打算改建以改善交通,新的橋將會建的更高,以減少因船隻通過,而要把橋升起的次數,問那個選項可以支援市長的計畫? 選因為該橋很多大的船隻經過,常常要升起橋而阻礙交通
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-20 21:30:37编辑过] |