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发表于 2003-11-5 22:12:00 | 只看该作者


7. A certain retailer promotes merchandise by using the following policy: At all times there is either a “manger’s sale” or a “holiday sale” or both going on. All sales are run for exactly one calendar month. In any given month, if a manager wishes to clear out particular Line of merchandise, then a managers’ sale is declared, If a holiday falls within the calendar month And there is excess merchandise in the warehouse never contains excess merchandise

Which one of the following can be concluded from the passage?

(A) If a holiday falls within a given month and there is no extra merchandise in the warehouse that month, then a holiday sale is declared

(B) If a holiday sale is not being run, then it is the month of August.

(C) If a manger’s sale is being run in some month, and then there is no excess merchandise in the warehouse in that month.

(D) If there is not a manger’s sale being run some month. Then there is holiday sale being run in that month.

(E) If there is no excess merchandise in the warehouse, then it is the month of August.
答案 D

15. People who take what others regard as a ridiculous position should not bother to say, “I mean every word!” For either their position truly is ridiculous, in which case insisting that they are serious about it only exposes them to deeper embarrassment, or else their position has merit, in which case they should meet disbelief with rational argument rather than with assurances of their sincerity.

Which one of the following arguments is most similar in its reasoning to the argument above?

(A) A practice that has been denounced, as poor practice should not be defended on the grounds that “this I show we have always done it.” If the practice is a poor one, so much the worse that is has been extensively used; if it is not poor one, there must be a better reason for engaging in it than inertia

(B) People who are asked why they eat some of the unusual foods they eat some of the unusual foods they eat should not answer, “because that is what I like, “This sort of answer will sound either na?ve or evasive and thus will satisfy no one

(C) People whose taste in clothes is being criticized should not replay, “Every penny I spent on these clothes I earned honestly.” For the issue raise by the critics is not how the money was come by but rather whether it was spent wisely.

(D) Scholars who champion unpopular new theories should not assume that the widespread rejection of their ideas shows that they “must be no the right track.” The truth is that few theories of any consequence are either wholly right or wholly right or wholly wrong and thus there is no substitute for patient works in ascertaining which parts are right.

(E) People who set themselves goals that others denounce as overly ambitious do little to silence their critics if they say, “I can accomplish this if anyone can. “Rather, those people should either admit that their critics are right or not dignify the criticism with any reply.
答案 A
发表于 2003-11-7 13:46:00 | 只看该作者
Sorry that I have no time for your questions now. Just reply to move it up for now and hope someone will answer them for you. Otherwise I will answer them tomorrow.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-7 14:42:00 | 只看该作者
many thx
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